Hi guys,
I had a surgery to fix a bad underbite in Dec 2015 in Canada.
The surgery did fix the underbite (to a certain extent, still have some problems but that's for another post).
The problem is that my lower jaw / chin look way smaller (as a result my face is less masculine as compared to when I an underbite).
My first question is: is a chin implant (or genioplasty) possible now to make my chin / lower jaw more prominent (as it used to be) ? The answer on the Internet to this question seems to be yes - but I'd like to hear some real experiences / stories from real people.
The second question is: does one have to have a perfect bite before such a surgery (chin implant or genioplasty). I'm asking this because I still have a cross bite at the back of the mouth and I'm wondering what should I do first: correct the cross bite or get the surgery. Correcting the cross bite may not even be possible.
Chin implanet (or genioplasty) after oral surgery to fix underbite
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