My Jaw Surgery Relapsed only on one side?

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My Jaw Surgery Relapsed only on one side?

#1 Post by Onetruereddot »

I had Bimax Surgery about 4 years ago to fix an underbite. My lower jaw was moved backward by 7mm and upper jaw was moved forward by 3mm along with a genioplasty. Within a year of the surgery, I started showing symptoms of asymmetric face. My left side jaw was almost fully relapsed and so my midlines are off by more than 7mm, additionally I developed a maxillary cant and rotation of maxilla as well. I have a cross bite with a underbite on right side of teeth.

Anyone heard of any case like this? What're my options... and how did this happen.

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Re: My Jaw Surgery Relapsed only on one side?

#2 Post by PierreDeFermat »

Mandibular setback surgery is more prone to relapse than moving the jaws forward. Nowadays such major relapse is considered relatively rare but it does happen.

Unfortunately it sounds like you might need a complete revision, and I suggest you consult with another board certified maxillofacial surgeon with experience in revisional surgery.

I'd only consider a surgeon who performs at least 3-4 orthognathic procedures a month if not more, as your case maybe somewhat complex.

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Re: My Jaw Surgery Relapsed only on one side?

#3 Post by Onetruereddot »

[quote=PierreDeFermat post_id=502580 time=1528403431 user_id=31191]
Mandibular setback surgery is more prone to relapse than moving the jaws forward. Nowadays such major relapse is considered relatively rare but it does happen.

Unfortunately it sounds like you might need a complete revision, and I suggest you consult with another board certified maxillofacial surgeon with experience in revisional surgery.

I'd only consider a surgeon who performs [i]at least[/i] 3-4 orthognathic procedures a month if not more, as your case maybe somewhat complex.
I know relapse is possible but i've never read about anyone relapsing only one side. It feels so alien and my face is all asymmetric right now.

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Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:01 am

Re: My Jaw Surgery Relapsed only on one side?

#4 Post by Onetruereddot »

[quote=PierreDeFermat post_id=502580 time=1528403431 user_id=31191]
Mandibular setback surgery is more prone to relapse than moving the jaws forward. Nowadays such major relapse is considered relatively rare but it does happen.

Unfortunately it sounds like you might need a complete revision, and I suggest you consult with another board certified maxillofacial surgeon with experience in revisional surgery.

I'd only consider a surgeon who performs [i]at least[/i] 3-4 orthognathic procedures a month if not more, as your case maybe somewhat complex.
I know relapse is possible but i've never read about anyone relapsing only one side. It feels so alien and my face is all asymmetric right now.

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