tooth moved behind other tooth and ortho cant fix it!!

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tooth moved behind other tooth and ortho cant fix it!!

#1 Post by person22 »

I have a very bizarre situation. so I am 47. back story -in my 30s got bad perio disease, teeth shifted. Had full braces for a year in my thirties. Have a lot of bone loss but no active perio disease but a ton of bone loss. Had wire bonded on upper teeth after ortho about 12 years ago. hated metal, switched to bonded non metal ribbond retainer- laster 3 years- broke- teeth shifted. I live in a rural area and due to my bone loss most orthos didnt want to work w me and also didnt want to use ribbond which I wanted. Found one 2 hours away who was willing to fix the movement and put a ribbond on. did abour 3 or 4 months of invisalign and then had a bonded ribbond put on , this was three or four years ago. All that time the teeth, despite severe bone loss, were pretty stable and I think being splinted was good for them.
Ok so here is the new issue and question etc.
so about 4 months ago the second ribbond broke. They are not that strong and I bite right into it. Went back to 2 hour away ortho and he was gonna take it off and put on a new one. When he took it off found three cavities behind it. ( because I couldnt clean under it and plaque got trapped). Got those filled, and went back a couple weeks later and got ribbond # 3 on. For some reason this time it was super tight and uncomfortable to the point where after 2 weeks I had to go back and have it removed. So then I wore a removable clear invisalgin type retainer at night while I researched if there are any other non metal bonded retainer options. I knew because of my bone loss I needed th teeth splinted. but ortho told me the removable at night would hold things in place until I figured it out. finally figured out a great seeming new bonded non metal retainer form th eUK that is custom made for my teeth. so my orthos sent a computer model of my teeth to the place and in a few weeks they sent a new retainer. IT took me about another month to get back up to the the meantime, my right lateral incisor totally moved behind my right central incisor. I had been told by the ortho if the teeth shifted they woudl move back if I just wore it more. But this was totally bizarre. the central incisor turned a bit and the lateral incisor tucked behind it. I had had the ortho trim the removable retainer a bit to make it more comfortable but he has told me it would hold fine. It took me about a month after it shifted to get back to ortho. here is the weird part. he agreed it shifted, had no idea why- and didnt know how to get it back! what?! he said i dont know why it moved. so he made me a new aligner/retainer and we didnt trim it and he said try wearing this full time for three weeks. So I did- no change. he said all I can do otherwise is try one that is overcorrected and I still dont know what that means- and to add, this ortho is a bit overwhelmed by me. I have a complex case, bone loss, I email him too many questions- so he was getting kind of fed up by me. Also my local dentist only deals with cavities and such, I get all my cleanings at a perio office and love my hygenist but the peiro there doesnt deal much with me either so I dont really have anyone to help. so I got the second new aligner the over corrected one and my teeth felt really weird in it- oh yeah and the ortho told me he didnt want to work with me anymore, and he didnt want me to email him questions. he would mae the new aligner, I could try it, and if it worked he would bond the custom retainer on for me but that is it.
so I have no idea why he could not figure out how to move the tooth back, or why ot moved- but it has not moved back at all. I feel like it is just stuck there behind the other tooth. I wear the aligner eveyr night and now with all that is going on I cant go find a new orhto. So Am stuck with it. for the tume being. and it is my Weakest tooth in terms of the least bone.
Can invisalign type aligners move a tooth sideways that is stuck behind the other tooth?
so I am scared ot wear the over corrcting one beacause of my bone loss, and being home and having no one to check in and the way it made my teeth feel very weird- I dont know what to do.
I cant belive the orhto does not know how to move my tooth sideways? and that it moved at all but it hurts all the time and is very annoying in this position and I still cant get the bonded one on so am wearing the removable, which due to my boneloss and weakness is horrible for me, for months and onths when I shoudl have splinted stable teeth. I had been planning to go to a new perio much farther away from me who does amazing techiniqes for boneloss but now cannot. I may have a telesession with him but for now am stuc with this weak tooth stuck behind the other and dont know if I shoud try the over correcting aligner or what it will do- I tried it for three days or so and it made my front two middle teeth feel like they were moving but no improvement in the stuck one and it just scared me. so what can I do? any insight?

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Re: tooth moved behind other tooth and ortho cant fix it!!

#2 Post by assertives »

I'm finding it abit hard to picture this. When you say the tooth has moved totally behind your central incisor, did you mean it's now kind of "stacked" one on top of the other like the way you'd stack plates in a cupboard? If so, that's alot of movement on it's own for just a month! I'm not an ortho, but I would suspect it's got something to do with your perio. If you haven't checked in with your periodontist lately, I would say get that checked before getting anymore ortho work done.

As for moving teeth sideways, if you need that much movement, maybe traditional braces may be better. I've often read how much more predictable and more control there is when it comes to moving teeth with brackets, perhaps it's something you can consider and ask your ortho about. That said, I suspect it's not that your ortho doesn't know how to fix the movement, but rather, it may no longer be safe to move the tooth without causing too much bone loss and eventual tooth loss.

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Re: tooth moved behind other tooth and ortho cant fix it!!

#3 Post by person22 »

thanks sorry if I mis represented it. It is not completely behind the other tooth but a part of it has moved behind the other tooth! All in like three or 4 weeks. Now it has been months and I wear the retainer every night and it wont move back. I asked him if it was cause of the bone loss issues and he said actually the tooth should move back quicker with the bone loss. This ortho was eally only doign my retainers and I had a prior ortho over 10 years ago very far away now retired who did my original braces. And no local ortho will take me. Now with only bein ghome I cant find another one so am just living with this tooth in the wrong place and it is my most vulnerable tooth with bone loss . It is very weird. the ortho said if the tooth moved and I wore the retainer more often it woudl move back but when I wore it full time again for a few weeks it just stayed the same. I dont know what to do! I hope I dont have to get a whole set of braces on again but maybe I do ugh just for one tooth. I mean theoretically it should move quickly. but I dont know and cant do anytihng.

Does anyone know what OVERCORECTING means? I have the other aligner he sent me which he said woudl over correct the tooth and maybe move it but when I wore it two days it made all my other teeth ache and feel weird, and since I have no one checkign on me it worried me so I just went back to the other retainer. I still dont know if the new one would move the tooth I think I actually did more like 5 days but it didnt move it at all and felt really weird.

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