Braces and Double Jaw Surgery to come. A little worried about root resorption!

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Braces and Double Jaw Surgery to come. A little worried about root resorption!

#1 Post by Mandywill70 »


I am 46 and now on my fourth day of being a brace face! This has been a long time coming and I wasn't entirely sure I was going to actually start this journey until the day I did it so in a way, it almost feels like an impulse decision!

So a little bit about my particular situation.

I had braces for, I think (can't really remember!) close to three years from about 14 to 16. At the time, I was told that I would need jaw surgery to correct my open bite but back then in the 80's it was a much more full on operation. They were talking about taking part of my hip bone out to put in my jaw and then hospital for a month or two. Anyway, my parents pulled out at the last minute.

For most of the intervening 30 years (God, that makes me feel old!), I didn't have any major concerns with my teeth. I did have problems with wisdom teeth in my twenties but my teeth remained straight and I have always been complimented on my smile. I did have problems with slightly bleeding gums (when brushing) every now and then but I honestly thought that it happened to everyone! There was also a 7 year period when I didn't see a dentist too (because I am lazy!) and after a visit a clean and a couple of fillings, I was told I had good gums and good teeth. After that I 'dropped the ball' again for a couple of years. By this time, I was 39 and had just had my second baby. I noticed that my right front tooth was crossing over my left and was pushed out a bit. My gums were also bleeding again and sometimes spontaneously in the morning from one spot! Not only that, there were (what I now know are termed) black triangles forming between my front teeth.

So to cut a long story short, six years ago, I was diagnosed with mild to moderate periodontitis and it really, REALLY messed with my head. I was convinced that my gums were going to recede to an unsightly degree and I would lose all my teeth! This wasn't helped by the fact that I had to have my left second molar removed along with my impacted wisdom tooth.

So I honestly believed by this age I would be looking into dentures or implants and now, here I am braced instead!

Fast forward to present day. My perio 'resolved' after about a year of professional 6 monthly cleaning. I haven't had any bleeding since. And my gums are healthy and a check of 'pockets' every 6 months at my dental clean and check up confirm everything is ok. To me, the black triangles are slightly larger but my friends tell me they are not noticeable at all. The last year or two though, I have become really conscious of my bite and how my teeth feel in my mouth. Also I have had to have large fillings on my back molars and there was talk of crowns as my dentist said all my biting is done on these back teeth due to my misaligned bite. One day I just said "Well, what can we do about it? What would you suggest?" Then from there it was an appointment with my orthodontist. Confirmation that I would need double jaw surgery. And then a consult to the maxillofacial surgeon.

I have gone ahead and now slightly regret that I went with the first and only orthodontist I saw. I say "slightly" because from what I can gather she is professional, very experienced and approachable. She maybe on the expensive side but that could be a good thing? One thing though (finally bringing up the title subject!) is that I am a little worried about my roots! This is definitely due to the paranoia of losing my teeth but also because of something she said when she saw my x rays at the first consult. She told me my roots were a little 'short'. I had to get the all clear from a periodontist (she incidentally referred me to the one I saw about my periodontitis!). I went to the appointment, my periodontist confirmed my gums looked good then at my next appointment, my orthodontist also received the all clear to proceed with treatment. The 'short roots' were never mentioned again. But now I am worried. I have been looking at my X rays and they DO look short. But you would think the orthodontist wouldn't proceed if there was a huge risk?

I read up on it a little today and came across literature that says that root resorption doesn't lead to tooth loss?

Anyway, thoughts reassurances very welcome!!

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Re: Braces and Double Jaw Surgery to come. A little worried about root resorption!

#2 Post by BlondeCam »

If they have all given the go ahead, I'm sure the fear is residual. It's understandable. Good luck!

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Re: Braces and Double Jaw Surgery to come. A little worried about root resorption!

#3 Post by Mandywill70 »

Thanks BlondeCam!

I am thinking along those lines too. I also reminded myself that the Maxillofacial surgeon was very up front in our consultation about all the potential risks. She also had examined the X-rays and everything and didn't mention root resorption or short roots so am feeling better.

I will just bring up everything again at the next appointment with my orthodontist.

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Re: Braces and Double Jaw Surgery to come. A little worried about root resorption!

#4 Post by sarahjacks »

Hey Mandy. Nice to see someone nearer to my age going through this. Good luck on your journey.

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