Inman aligners

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Re: Inman aligners

#1906 Post by Squib »

[quote="emilyvonstroodle"]Hi Squib.

I think most of us have composite blobs as it aims the direction of force towards certain teeth.

For me I have two on the back of my teeth and one on my front left one (should really learn the proper names of the teeth haha). I wouldn't say any of mine are noticeable, as my front one is barely there and they try to colour match to your teeth as best as possible.

They take some getting used to for the first week, but after that you soon forget you have them.
Hope this helps :)[/quote]

Thanks for your reply, I guess it's the kind of thing that YOU know it's there, but no one else would really notice! I was just a bit worried as I have to do a presentation literally the day after get the appliance fitted!

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Re: Inman aligners

#1907 Post by Squib »

Hello again, I just had a though - Did anyone have to get fillings done as part of their Inman Aligner process? My dentist told me on my first meeting with him that I would need to get a couple of fillings done so that the aligner fits right, and put the cost of these together on a rough payment schedule - But he has done all the impressions, and we're just waiting for the Inman Aligner to come back from the lab now. I made it clear this was a big cost to me, and I'm wondering if he's decided not to do the fillings to save me money?

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Re: Inman aligners

#1908 Post by Squib »

SO, I got my Inman Aligner today and just wanted a bit of advice - Low and behold my dentist informed me I would need composite blobs - Which he referred to as 'pressure points'. When he fitted the Inman Aligner I was in a bit of a daze and didn't pay too much attention (oops) but he put the bar on top of the 'pressure point', so the blob was actually sitting under the bar - I asked 'does the bar go over the blob' and he said it does, but I've only ever seen composite blobs being used to stop the bar going too high or too low, rather than actually resting on it? Has anyone else had this?

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Re: Inman aligners

#1909 Post by emilyvonstroodle »

My composite blobs go below where my bar sits, but at the front my blob is above where my bar sits.

An update from me, I'm now officially over 10 weeks in to my IA. Very little movement still. 4 weeks since composites repositioned. Dentist to send IA back to lab to be reset if no further progress when I next see her a week on Tuesday. At each appointment she does more filing, and she says that the teeth are contacting so they must be moving, but it could be taking so long due to overcrowding.

Considering treatment was supposed to be finished by March 1st, I am feeling disheartened and want to give up. Did anyone else have these issues where you had little to no movement??
Actually wishing I had fixed braces fitted, as I won't be able to achieve a perfect smile with the IA anyway as my top arch midline doesn't line up with the centre of my lip/bottom arch. Boo :(

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Re: Inman aligners

#1910 Post by Phea86 »

Hello! I am new to the my IA fitted yesterday. So far it has been a nightmare trying to talk-really unattractive but perhaps I feel it is worse than other people notice?! I am also finding it very painful when I have to put the IA back in after eating etc- the pain of throbbing and pressure etc radiates up my face and lasts about 5 minutes :( has anyone else experienced this and if so! How long does this take to go? I too have had to get composite blobs - 2 on the back of my teeth and one on one of my front teeth. I am mainly just keen to move my 2 front protruding teeth back to a straight position. How long do most people wear there's for each day and from that how long has it taken for the full treatment? I have a 5 month window before getting married so hoping to have them all done and dusted by then!

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Re: Inman aligners

#1911 Post by Kirsty »

Hi guys, I’m also new to this site but I have been reading through all the entries for the past few weeks!

I have had my aligner for 4 weeks and 2 days, and I must say now, Its almost like its not in my mouth! My advice to anyone is to wear it all the time – I know the recommended wear time is 16-20 hours, however this doesn’t mean U cant wear it for longer. (to be honest i think a lot of people use this as an excuse to not wear it at work!)

When I first got the aligner, I took it out in the afternoons at work, but now i take it out for lunch then put it back in again straight after until dinner. I work at a College in a very busy environment, dealing with tutors, students, outsiders, and really, there is no reason to not wear it. People WILL understand what you’re saying! You just need to allow yourself to talk loads with it in!

My front 3 teeth were crooked, one front tooth crossing slightly over the other and one of my incisors rotated and too far forward.
I have a composite blob on the back of one of my front teeth (the one which was behind), this was to keep the back bar up high enough. It works really well and my tooth has already been pushed forward loads. They shaved my teeth when I first got the aligner, said I needed 2mm taken off in total. This allowed my front tooth to move forwards again. The second check up was the same, just shaved my teeth for more room for the tooth to move forward.

I had another check up this Monday just gone (4 weeks now) and it was more or less in the position it needs to be! so he added composite blobs to my other front tooth and my incisor on the outside (so the brace front bar stays as low as possible). This is to hopefully cure the rotations and straighten them out.

My dentist is really happy with my progress, and thinks I will finish in just 6 weeks! This is because of wearing it so consistently.

Btw, yes it does hurt when you take it in and out at first and the pain stays for a little while – in my first couple of weeks it would hurt for longer, just a dull ache. But now its only when i take it in and out. I like the feeling though, its how i know its working!

cleaning – i soak the aligner in retainer brite every morning for 10 minutes while eating breakfast. It keeps the smell away. I rinse it after and rub it to make sure there’s no food or anything on it. i dont brush it with a toothbrush.

I really would recommend this appliance to anyone. I was really worried at first but if you persevere and actually wear it, it does work very quickly!

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Re: Inman aligners

#1912 Post by unreal65 »

Hello, I'm new here. I've been reading posts for some time. I pick up my Inman aligner in two days. Thanks to this site I feel I have very good idea what to expect. The IA is not real common here. I found out about it online and had to call dentists to one by one from the directory to find one near me that uses them. I even tried to contact the nearest lab to inquire if any dentists near me have ordered from them. Any how... Super excited to get started on my journey! Very thankful for this site :-)

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Re: Inman aligners

#1913 Post by thewholetooth »

Hi there!!!

28 year old female from Belfast :)

Ok, my story...

So all my life I have never had a problem with my teeth, I've never had to get a filling etc. About 4 years ago I noticed that one of my front teeth was beginning to cross over the front and on my bottom set of teeth one of my teeth was being pushed back into my mouth. I don't know if this is genetics but my mum has this too but she isn't as vain as me and never worried about it. Anyway over the course of 4 years it got steadily worse, to the point where I began covering my mouth when I laughed and was only standing in certain ways/closing my mouth completely for pictures. It really affected my confidence and I knew that eventually down the line I'd have to get some major work done if I didn't act now.

I was at a bridal fair recently and noticed a stand for a new cosmetic dental practice in Belfast, I nervously approached the two dentists at the stand and first enquired about whitening (I was actually too self conscious to open my mouth in public and show them my crooked teeth and beg for help) but once I got chatting to them, they made me feel at ease, I eventually asked them about straightening and they gave me a leaflet and asked me to call in for a free consultation. THANK GOD no on the spot check up.

And so after plucking up some courage I had a consultation, I decided then to opt for the Inman aligners, impressions were taken and I was booked in for 2 weeks time!

Monday (1st day) was Inman aligner day - a 45min appointment which included filing in between my teeth, this was uncomfortable for me due to the noise and the sensation but it did not hurt. Then the dentist fitted the braces, I'm doing both at the same time because I'm hardcore!!! At first they were fine, he got me to pop them in and out myself to see if I was comfortable doing so. Then gave me advice on any pain I might feel, eating, cleaning the aligners and I booked a check up appointment. I left the appointment with a wide smile but also drooling down my neck. My path to laughing and smiling without fear had begun!

Monday night - I had refrained from taking out the braces since the dentist had put them in but by the evening I was starving. I popped out the braces, an odd feeling because the teeth and gums are quite sensitive now, and sat down to eat my fajita. And then it happened, I tried to bit in to the soft tortilla and OMG ouch! Solid food was not happening tonight, I had a bowl of porridge instead. THEN I went to put the braces back in and DEAR GOD the pain, I got them in with tears in my eyes but reached straight for the painkillers once I did. the pain subsided after about half an hour. I went to bed, exhausted after the excitement of the day and slept with no problems the whole night, a dry mouth when I woke just.

Tuesday (2nd day) - I was afraid to take the braces out so before I did I took a painkiller, I popped them out, had my breakfast (porridge) and brushed my teeth. Time to put them in again... Ok, it wasn't as bad as yesterday, maybe it was the painkiller? Maybe I'm getting used to them? My speech is ridic, badly lisping so at work I've decided to alternate between wearing one set. Made a huge batch of delicious soup to get me through the next few days.

Tuesday evening - No more painkillers needed, it hurts to put them back in when they've been out but only for about 5 mins then I'm used to the gentle pressure now. I even had some salmon and veggies for dinner! I'm going to take a pic every Monday to compare.

Oh, the dental practice is called Blue Sky Dentistry in Belfast, and I'm wearing these all the time except for when eating and alternating at work! :)

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Re: Inman aligners

#1914 Post by unreal65 »

Sixteen days...I don't even feel the aligners in my mouth at all. Until I speak that is. Lol. It is getting better. The first week was rough, thought there is no way I will make it. I have been wearing my aligners all the time except to eat. For me the worst part has been my tongue. Seems that with appliance on the top and bottom there is so place for it and it has taken awhile to train it to not fiddle with the massive intrusion. Last two days it has been much better. My bottom teeth have moved like crazy but the tops are not doing so well. The fact that I don't even feel pain in my teeth is making me feel a little like its not working. I know it is, but I'm of the pain no gain. I have an appt with the dentist in five days. I'm counting the days between appts like I counted the days to get the aligner. I hope it goes as quickly as everyone on this board says.

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Re: Inman aligners

#1915 Post by kpdude »

Hi All.

I received my inman yesterday at long last. I was originally told 2 weeks for the lab to make IT up but that turned in to 4 weeks.

Anyway, they have been in since yesterday afternoon, expect for eating. They are not painful at all. A little sore when taking it out and putting it back in, but nothing much else. It does feel unusual though and I suspect that will take a week to get used to.

The only big issue for me is the incapable action of talking! I am unable to construct a clear sentence. Due to the nature of my job, unless the talking drastically improves, then I don't know how I am going to be able to have it in for more than 16 hours a day.

I wonder if anyone can tell me the consequences for this. I mean, is it just a case of the treatment taking slightly longer, say, as someone who has it in for 20 hours a day?


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Re: Inman aligners

#1916 Post by unreal65 »

Three week appointment today. Dentist adjusted the aligners, they are very tight now which makes me happy. Still no pain, lots of movement already. No composites no filing...yessssss! Another appt in 2.5 weeks. I would have to agree with the others in this board the first two weeks were horrible just getting used to the aligners. Now that my mouth is used to it, it's a piece of cake. Can't wait to speak properly...but that is the only complaint. Straight teeth in a matter of weeks...well worth it!

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Re: Inman aligners

#1917 Post by unreal65 »

Looks like the adjustment 4 days ago is seriously doing the trick. Woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, wow! My top teeth have improved so much. The bottom teeth moved more quickly at first but now there is a gap between the two front teeth. Apparently one of those teeth needs to rotate which could take some time. Don't really care how long the bottom takes as that aligner doesn't affect my speech much. I am speaking much better now but I still have to remove the top one for phone calls at work. How is everyone else doing?

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Re: Inman aligners

#1918 Post by cjfarmgate »

[quote="unreal65"]Looks like the adjustment 4 days ago is seriously doing the trick. Woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, wow! My top teeth have improved so much. The bottom teeth moved more quickly at first but now there is a gap between the two front teeth. Apparently one of those teeth needs to rotate which could take some time. Don't really care how long the bottom takes as that aligner doesn't affect my speech much. I am speaking much better now but I still have to remove the top one for phone calls at work. How is everyone else doing?[/quote]
Hi, I had my aligner fitted last Friday so am on day 4 now. I think I'm doing ok but like everyone else the first two days were hard, especially speech as I have just the top one to correct my two front teeth. The most uncomfortable bit is the left inside cheek where the metalwork catches. I did initially feel some movement and like you, feel that no pain is no gain, I am now worried that because i can't feel the ache they need adjusting some more but my next appointment isn't until 16th June! Speaking is a nightmare but had improved a lot. I find reading aloud to my husband helps and he's enjoying being read to! It is a relief to have a rest from them whilst eating and to sleep is bliss and gives my sore cheek recovery time. Not sure how I'll cope on our busy phone at work tomorrow but am hoping customers will understand.

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Re: Inman aligners

#1919 Post by kpdude »

Hi me again!

Just over 2 weeks have past. As mentioned in my last post I wasn't wearing it at work for the first week but week 2 I have been wearing it all day and just taking it out when someone talks to me.

I took a photo from day 1 and a photo just now and I can't believe how much movement has surfaced already.

The gap has almost closed. Although I still need the 2 front teeth to move back, its brilliant progress for 2 just weeks.

If any one wants pics I'll upload them!!!!

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Re: Inman aligners

#1920 Post by Velvettiger »

Hi, I'm new to this forum but just thought I'd post as I'm getting an Inman Aligner fitted on 13th June. I've been reading the posts with interest, and can't wait to get mine fitted now.

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