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Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:01 pm


#1 Post by playmaker7206 »

Does anyone have any experience with this device? Is it a gimmick, or does it actually work to reduce treatment time?

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:56 am

Re: AccleDent

#2 Post by Lexana »

I actually bought a second-hand one, (because I was a bit skeptic), and was pretty impressed with the results. My original quote for treatment was 18-24 months (ceramic on top, metal on bottom), and I should (emphasis on should ...) get them off by April, which will be the 12 month marker. I actually stopped using the Acceledent the past few months, just because I'm so close to being done and kept forgetting, but I actually noticed quicker results during the specific phases of my treatment (for example, my dentist told me it would take approx. 3 months to move my one tooth forward, and that took about 6 weeks with the Acceledent). Looking to sell mine if you're interested. All it really is, is a glorified electric toothbrush with a mouthpiece. I honestly thought that before I got it, wondering if I could just use my toothbrush haha ... The progress is def. worth it, but I don't think the technology is worth what they charge. Just taking advantage of a new market (and the fact that everyone f-ing hates braces haha!)

Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:46 pm

Re: AccleDent

#3 Post by hukillmommy »

What exactly is accledent? I've never heard of it.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:36 pm

Re: AccleDent

#4 Post by Chaplin28 »

hey Lexana,
I am looking for an Acceledent unit. I'm located in the US. Are you selling yours now?

Lexana wrote:
> I actually bought a second-hand one, (because I was a bit skeptic), and was pretty
> impressed with the results. My original quote for treatment was 18-24 months (ceramic
> on top, metal on bottom), and I should (emphasis on should ...) get them off by
> April, which will be the 12 month marker. I actually stopped using the Acceledent
> the past few months, just because I'm so close to being done and kept forgetting,
> but I actually noticed quicker results during the specific phases of my treatment
> (for example, my dentist told me it would take approx. 3 months to move my one tooth
> forward, and that took about 6 weeks with the Acceledent). Looking to sell mine
> if you're interested. All it really is, is a glorified electric toothbrush with
> a mouthpiece. I honestly thought that before I got it, wondering if I could just
> use my toothbrush haha ... The progress is def. worth it, but I don't think the
> technology is worth what they charge. Just taking advantage of a new market (and
> the fact that everyone f-ing hates braces haha!)

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