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#1 Post by Noneinparticular »

What do you do if you are dissatisfied with the final result? Recently got braces off and am very dissatisfied with the vertical. Teeth are too far apart vertically, especially in the front. I complained of not being able to bite using my front teeth just one week before braces were taken off, yet the ortho still took them off. Will these front teeth erupt on their own in the settling phase? Should I just go find a new ortho, if so how much would it cost just to correct the vertical?

Posts: 13
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Re: Dissatisfied

#2 Post by Mike02110 »

Did you express your concern with the final outcome? Or just a week or so before?

I feel like I would ask 100 questions if I wasn't satisfied with the results. I'm sure you spent a lot of money and time on your smile.

Posts: 24
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Re: Dissatisfied

#3 Post by hukillmommy »

I agree with the above poster, talk to your ortho and express your concerns to him. Good luck!

Posts: 2104
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Re: Dissatisfied

#4 Post by sirwired »

Talk to your ortho; the teeth are unlikely to spontaneously erupt during retention. An anterior open bite is one of the most difficult orthodontic problems to treat, but that's what you are paying the orthodontist for.

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Re: Dissatisfied

#5 Post by Valentina »

OP, did you get around to talking to your Ortho? If so, how did it work out?

I hope that you found some resolution.

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Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Dissatisfied

#6 Post by sara2280 »

I can totally relate. I had braces as a kid to treat an anterior open bite and crowding. My ortho then, didn't treat my bite until the end. As soon as the braces came off, the open bite returned. I was also a kid so didn't know any better. In my 20's I had gone back to the same ortho to get my bonded retainer removed because it had broken. At that appointment, the ortho looked at my teeth and my bite. He suggested I get my lower teeth retreated to fix a lot of crowding and also get my wisdom teeth out. He had mentioned my bite but said that he would have to fully retreat me with heavy elastics and I didn't want to do that. I took his word and paid him to retreat my lower teeth. And here I am in my 30's, getting fully treated this time by a new ortho closer to me after my dentist suggested I seek traditional orthodontics for my open bite because it was causing excessive wear on my back teeth and she was concerned that if I let it go my bite would eventually collapse and shift my lower jaw forward because my back teeth wouldn't be there to support it any longer. This freaked me out so I went to the ortho she referred me to. He confirmed this and I decided to take the plunge.

Sorry for the long way around to get to this, if you are unsatisfied talk to your ortho. An open bite is nothing to mess with especially if the end result could be damage to your other teeth. You paid good money for this so obviously they should listen. I wish I had done that back in my 20's but had let my ortho then talk me out of it. If I had, I probably wouldn't have braces here in my 30's.

Good luck! Keep up posted!

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