JennieBaby..damons and surgery @29 for overjet and crowding

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JennieBaby..damons and surgery @29 for overjet and crowding

#1 Post by jenniebaby »

I am soo excited about this new journey. Finally I am going to have nice pretty teeth! :D I really enjoy reading about all of your stories and have found the question and answer portion especially helpful. I hope someone out there enjoys hearing about my journey as much as I have enjoyed everyone elses.
First let me tell you a little about myself. I am a real estate salesperson. I have one son who is ten and two great dogs. My husband is the best. But no one except for my orthodontist and I believe I really need these braces. I have a 7 mm overjet, severe crowding, TMJ problems and small arches. Given all that, alot of people say they love my smile. They must be blind! All I see is a canine that is so out of whack I look like a vampire and crazy lowers. Nothing meets, and I can't fully close my lips for the overjet. :oops: My best friend calls it my sabre tooth smile.
I have wanted braces since I was very young...but this is the first time it has been a priority and there has been the money. I especially hated being compared to a mouse all the time. And my jaws hurt me, a lot....I have developed the bad habit of rolling my jaw forward so that I can eat better and so I look less bucky when I speak and smile.

This is my teeth... I am compensating for my overjet with my jaw forward though...

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In this one I am not compensating at all. And there is that overjet! Darn little lower jaw. :(


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Sorry if these photos aren't the clearest. I just took them with the web cam...didn't want to try to resize them and all that stuff.


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And from the side now...


Uploaded with

And one more

I personally can't wait until Monday (2 days!) Thats when I get my uppers done. I originally went to two orthodontists. The first wanted to pull one lower incisor. He said no one would notice my midline was uneven....well I would! :shock: He also only offered normal braces. I decided to go with a guy two hours away in the city instead. I am having my lower bicuspids pulled in August....we are playing it by ear as to whether or not we are pulling any uppers. Even better, this orthodontist had lots of adults in the chairs (comforting) and he does Damon brackets. After much research on this site and others, I knew I didn't want the traditional brackets....faster newer and better please! :P

Both orthodontists and my regular dentist said jaw surgery would give me the best results and were the only way to correct my bite. Although I was dead set against it in the beginning, I am now all for it. Having teeth that line up properly so that my tmj can function better is like a dream come true. Have to admit I cursed my mother for not caring to do this when I was younger....although better late than never!

Everyone in my life (aka friends and family), think this is some sort of a vanity trip I am on and this is a waste of money. Which hurts me. I hope they get past it. If I was 13 would I be being vain? I admit, I want to look great, and have beautiful teeth...but what about preventing gum disease ?( I have teeth I can't even floss!)

I have had the separating elastics in for a little over a week now. I was a dental assistant before I met my husband, although never for an orthodontist, and it seems a little knowledge got me into trouble time. I asked the doc if he was going to put the separating elastics in ..... he thought about it and was like....we don't need to .... but we will.... because the surgeon will need it. In a year and a half ! Should have kept my mouth shut! They couldnt get them all in. Some of my contacts are too tight. I would like to say I was a good girl and handled the elastics well, but I didn't. One in particular kept slipping under my gum so I ripped it out. I had to drive another two hours just to get it back in a day later. :roll: The assistant made sure she put bigger ones in this time....gee thanks! This time I got an envelope full of elastics. I rip them out, feel guilty and put them back in. I haven't eaten anything but ice cream all week! I really am a big baby when it comes to pain and discomfort, something tells me its all just starting.

One of my biggest worries is that my real estate clients or potential clients will think I am younger than I am. I already look youngish. The last thing I want is for them to think I look sixteen. I am getting white or clear i the front, so maybe they won't even notice.

All this weekend I am eating copious amounts of corn on cob as a last treat before my year and a half of bracing and recovery from surgery. I'm just grateful I can come on here and read others stories and discussions, it really makes me feel like I'm not the only grown up going through all of this. Gotta thank you all for that.

Up of my brace face!

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oooh Dissapointment

#2 Post by jenniebaby »

The orthos office called early (7:30), to reschedule my appointment. Something about the hygienist fainting this morning. I really hope she is okay. So now tommorow is the big day. I decided instead to head over to my office for the day. I had forgot to tell my boss I was taking the day off, so it was all for the best anyhow.(my office doesnt care when i am off, thank god!) Hopefully I dont have to go alone tommorrow, I am getting seriously scared. Wish I could have just gotten it done and over with.

Everyone keeps telling me its really going to hurt. How it could hurt worse than these elastics, I dont really know. For anyone who thinks the separating elastics dont hurt, probably doesnt have major crowding. Whats worse is I can't seem to close my mouth with them in....I was really looking forward to closing my mouth.

Anyone know of any ways to kill the pain of new braces? I am hoping since the wire acts under body heat some nice cool beverages will help.
All other suggestions would be wonderful.
BRACED: July 27th 2010
Overjet 8mm, crowding, small arches...Sugery to Come......


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#3 Post by opera^gal »

Take some pain meds before your appt so they are already working in your system before the discomfort kicks in. That helped me...good luck!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B

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#4 Post by jenniebaby »

Thanks Opera girl! Soo jealous when I see those tickers that are near the nervous tonight I can't sleep. Gonna take some ibuprofen or tylenol in the morning...or both!
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Overjet 8mm, crowding, small arches...Sugery to Come......


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#5 Post by mlholl19 »

Good luck on your big day tomorrow! You are making the right decision. I know you probably won't be able to sleep tonight, try your best to get some rest. When I first got mine they did not hurt right away, just felt a lot of pressure, but about 3-4 hours later I felt like I got hit in the mouth with a baseball, so I would definitely keep pain relievers handy. Also make sure to keep soft foods like pudding, jello, yogurt, oatmeal, pancakes, and soup handy because you won't be able to chew. After tomorrow you'll be that my closer to being finished. Good luck!

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Nothing to be scared of!

#6 Post by jenniebaby »

I have to say, after reading some of the brace stories, I was nervous. I had absolutely no reason to fear. The amazing hygienist was so gentle, I feel like I should send her a thank you card. First she removed those horrible separators. She was surprised at how tight my contacts still were. Nice enough, she let me floss and then even sprayed out the contacts for me. I was kinda grossed out that I haven't flossed there in over a week. Then she tested out the molar bands, got them the right size on her first try. Certainly not an amateur! After removing the buttons from the molar bands....couldn' t tell you what buttons are or what they are for, but if anyone knows feel free to fill me in. She glued them into place. I did not taste or smell the adhesive (thank god!) She did get some on my face....but that was easily taken care of. Today was the first visit where I was surrounded by children. It reminded me that this really is a young persons trip....made me feel youthful. :lol: One of the kids was so excited to be getting a butterfly on her glittery retainer. Is it immature that I too want a glittery butterfly retainer? I guess parts of me haven't grown up yet.

I brought my best friend for this trip. She sat in the corner looking bored. I had promised her it was probably worth the hour and a half hanging out reading magazines. They showed me the brackets before they put them on. Ooooh ... aaaahh....they were so little....and so clear. She was so careful to remove all the excess adhesive from around the brackets. The usual thirty seconds with the dental light. It went like clock work.

On a side note, I really have to hand it to all the dental hygienist and assistants who are up on the personal grooming. When I worked in the dental office I was a perfectionist when it came to eyebrows and stray tiny hairs and makeup ect. I mean I was right in peoples face! This nice lady seemed to have a hang on that. Makes life so much more pleasant when you are over an hour in the chair looking up at someone without anything else to concentrate on. I can really appreciate that. Now that I sell real estate I am no longer self conscious of one stray eyebrow hair...

Once she had them on I sat up and smiled to show my friend. She yelled, " I can't see them from here" they passed the first test! :P

Wire went on with out a hitch, except that one canine that never wants to behave.... The wire is only little, I guess I gotta work my way up to the big girl wire. Adjustments are only every two months! Like wow! I mean I drove two hours to get there (more if you count picking up my friend in town) Something about the wire being self ligating(sp?), it just moves back and forth doing its job.

They showed me in the mirror and it was like...beautiful. No coloured elastics, no sharp hooks....clear in the front and metal in the back. I smile big so you can see the metal ones, but still, very grown up looking braces. I love them. Except for those awful cheek retractors the whole experience was about as traumatic as a facial. After that it was just a quick speech on how to clean them, an explanation on how to use all the stuff in the goody bag. I have to say they were pretty generous. Ten of those christmas tree brushes (five that bend every which way) floss, two tooth brushes, floss threaders, silicone and wax ( in case i have a preference) a nice card to explain how to deal with loose wires or lost brackets, some other brush thingy and some canker sore stuff. I'm sure I have forgotten something. They showed me a nasty picture of what happens if you don't take care of your teeth and I got a good chuckle out of that. Maybe if I wasn't paying almost seven grand for this I would forget to not even then. Oh ya and the list of no no foods. Good thing I ate corn on the cob all weekend long.

Next it was a few photos and that was it. No trauma, no pinched gums or horrible pain.
I forgot the battery in my camera so I could only get a picture with my cell phone.

They told me I had four or five hours before it started to hurt so I went to have Dim Sum ( chinese dumplings). No problems eating, even with chopsticks. So happy to have those elastics out, I could chew. I stuck to the soft dumplings as I was unsure of biting into things with my front teeth.

Brushing was a new experience. I brought my battery powered brush...I was a little lost on what to do with it really. I left the restaurant bathroom with food still in my braces. Thank god I was with my friend who was not offended while I picked at my teeth with my fingernail (ew) :shock:

My next stop was to pick up a waterpik. I used it as soon as I got home and I soaked my whole bathroom. I just couldn't hold the button long enough to get it to my mouth. :oops: My husband did not think this was nearly as humorous as it really was. I must practice my brace cleaning, brushing and water pikking. I would really recommend the water pik. For forty bucks and a drenched bathroom it seemed highly effective.

I will not speak too soon as to pain. I have siliconed my lower as yet unused molar band. Talking and laughing all day left my cheek a little raw. Other than that only a bit of pain. We will see how I feel tommorrow morning though. :wink: As for now things are nice and tingly, I hope that is good and a sign things are working nicely.

Here is the picture I took with my cell phone. I am sorry about the whole retractor does show the whole shebang though doesn't it?
Its not the highest resolution (being a cellphone not a real camera) You can hardly even see the brackets.


Uploaded with

Here is a better one I took at home with the digital camera...


Uploaded with

I guess I have never had any other types of braces. But I really love these clear damon brackets. I could probably do a commercial for them. The best part is...they don't stain...that and no elastics to worry about getting discolored or stained. I am just happy that they aren't really obvious. I don't know how regular ceramic type brackets look up close, but these clear ones have really impressed me. My biggest concern was that my clients would think I looked younger with braces on. Considering most of my clients are over fifty, I don't think a lot of them are even going to notice my teeth. Even if they do, these aren't your typical fifteen year olds braces.

The moral of this whole story is...absolutely nothing to be scared of!
I think I'm going to go clean my new grill. This could take a while...wish me luck 8)
BRACED: July 27th 2010
Overjet 8mm, crowding, small arches...Sugery to Come......


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#7 Post by equaeternal »

congrads on joining the brace-face club. I just joined myself :) Your braces look great! My friend has the same kind an you can hardly see hers. I'm stuck with good 'ol metal ones *sigh*. Your teeth are going to look perfect in no time

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#8 Post by jenniebaby »

I definetely would have gone for the free braces over any other type. My insurance covers only so much no matter what kind I got. I hope these damons really are faster! In some situations it would be nice if people could see mine more (except work) Its good to hear your teeth are moving already. Your smile is going to be great when you are done. It looks like you too have large teeth like I do. (I read ur story) Nothing better than large teeth once they are straight and beautiful. Ever notice most models have big straight smiles? Good luck on your brace face! Its really nice to know there are other grown ups out there and we are all in the same boat.
BRACED: July 27th 2010
Overjet 8mm, crowding, small arches...Sugery to Come......


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#9 Post by jenniebaby »

Oh and thank you! :D
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Ow ow

#10 Post by jenniebaby »

Day three and all I can say is...ow ow ow ow. They must be doing something, because they sure do hurt today. Especially when I woke up this morning. I will take that as a sure sign of progress and try not to whine too loud.

Speaking of progress my uppers now have just a millimeter or less of natural contact with my lowers. Just the part near the root. It doesnt seem like much, but I haven"t ever felt that before.

My mouth is getting a little raw from the molar bands, but where the brackets are - no problems yet! The wax doesnt work for me. It just crumbles up and doesnt stick. If anyone knows how to get it to work lemme know. I love the silicone though. If you dont have this stuff-get it! It really works amazingly. Except that I forgot it last night and swallowed some with my dinner! I was like uh oh... :roll:

I took some tylenol and thats not really doing much. I guess I will stick to the soft foods and wait out the pain. I never really find tylenol or other OTC painkillers do much.

What is seeming to make me feel better is pop. Diet pop. The bubbles take th. So I'm going to sit here with my case of diet pepsi and wait out this horrible ache.
BRACED: July 27th 2010
Overjet 8mm, crowding, small arches...Sugery to Come......


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#11 Post by jenniebaby »

I look younger than my age of almost thirty. Usually this is a great thing. Except when it comes to my job. I am the youngest realtor in my county. Which is great, except I feel constantly like I need to prove to people that I am old enough to deal with the sale of their expensive home. So my biggest fear with these braces was that I would appear younger than I am. Maybe I am just overthinking this.....

This weekend I did an open house .... actually four of them. Three people on separate occasions made comments such as, you're really young to be doing this. You must not have much experience being so young ....ect.

I tell people I am thirty one while working. Sounds better to be out of those wild twenties. I told them my age and told them I had been doing this two years.....but....

Is this the braces? No one has ever made these comments before. I try so hard to dress professionally. I even cut off my waist length hair because it made me look like a teenager. Instead I have a "sensible" hairstyle. :ThumbsDown:

Now I'm starting to really this going to cost me business? I'm not vain, but so much rides on first impressions in my job. I work for every cheque, and it doesn't matter how hard I work if everyone thinks I am too young. I live/work in an area where most people come to retire. Almost all my clients are over young families out here for the most part.

This is the first time an open house didn't generate some leads for new clients for me. Is it because I have a teenagers grin? :-(( :?: :?:

I'm the only woman in the world who wants to look five years older I swear!

Other than that this has been smooth sailing all week. Although, I have never brushed my teeth so much in my life! :-} After every snack and and every bite! I bring my toothbrush and all the other various brushes and floss everywhere. I dry brush in my car while I drive when I'm in a hurry. I'm sure the other drivers think I'm nuts. I live in a very sparsely populated there isn't always a place to stop to brush. Anyone else driving and brushing? It can't be as dangerous and driving and talking on the phone.... :?

The greatest news of all is, I close my teeth as normal, no compensating for overjet just a regular close...and my back teeth are not touching! And my front canines are!!!!! Just a little, at the back. Wow so fast. So awkward...but so satisfying. I don't know how to hold my teeth anymore in my mouth. Cannot wait for those lower braces to go on! My lower teeth are also tipped out, so I hope that having braces on the lowers will pull those in more too (hopefully as fast!) My husband doesn't believe me. But I feel it!

One more major note. I think these braces are going to mellow me out. I got mad a few days ago. I started speaking quickly and in a raised tone....I'm usually a nice person....really :heart: , this person really got the best of me. I was slurring and spitting and mispronouncing my words. :-(* <----(me)

Yikes! I must have looked hilarious! My husband laughed and laughed. I wasn't mad at him, more the actions of his mother, the only person who can make me looose it. Lesson learned. Anger and braces don't mix. This first week has had me learning so much. :wink:
BRACED: July 27th 2010
Overjet 8mm, crowding, small arches...Sugery to Come......


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#12 Post by sammywantstraightteeth »

Everyone in my life (aka friends and family), think this is some sort of a vanity trip I am on and this is a waste of money.
I hope your friends/family are more supportive now of your decision to have this done. I am quite tired of explaining to people that the reason I am having my teeth done is, purely and simply, for their health. Yes - my teeth do look okay at a casual glance (overbite, overcrowding, but neither are obvious at first look), but I can't keep those freaking overcrowded twisty ones clean. And my two front teeth are locked in a battle for space that sooner or later, one of them is going to win and kill the other.

Whenever someone says I'm being vain, I sigh, and ask them if its vain to not want big gaping holes where my teeth should be. Because that is the future predicted for me if I didn't sort this out.

This is why I love this forum. People who had braces when they were teenagers understand to a certain extent. But only other adults going through this later in life can truely understand the issues we face.

Treatment started: 13th July 2010.
Expected finish: 14th June 2011.
Upper Trays: 21
Lower Trays: 24

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#13 Post by equaeternal »

LOL Yes I do have big teeth. I hope you are right that once everything is all say an done my teeth will look great. It’s great you are seeing so much movement already. I am excited for you to get your lowers on. I am sure all your teeth will be moving in no time.

Are you still having problems with wax? Some people just like silicon better. I use wax an one trick is first suck some air into your mouth to ‘dry’ out your tooth then put some wax on.

I hope that the comments at work get better. I am surprised because no one ever asks me my age, or assumes I am younger.

Glad to hear you are seeing so much progress

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#14 Post by starzz »

An idea about your looking young at work. Can you work out a line to use for small talk about your 10-year old son and how he thinks it’s funny his mom is having braces at age 30 or whatever because it makes her look like a teen? Make a bit of a joke and address the issue and continue to dress and act professionally and confident.

I know a few people treated me like I was much younger when I had braces, something I hadn’t experienced since I was a college student perhaps. Weird to be treated like a kid and not an adult.

The clear brackets look great and very subtle. I bet most of your clients can’t even see them, LOL.
Braced for 2 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 5 days (the 2nd time ‘round)
Hawley on top, Essix on bottom

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Re: Nothing to be scared of!

#15 Post by RedDress »

jenniebaby wrote:I have to say, after reading some of the brace stories, I was nervous. I had absolutely no reason to fear. The amazing hygienist was so gentle, I feel like I should send her a thank you card. First she removed those horrible separators. She was surprised at how tight my contacts still were. Nice enough, she let me floss and then even sprayed out the contacts for me. I was kinda grossed out that I haven't flossed there in over a week. Then she tested out the molar bands, got them the right size on her first try. Certainly not an amateur! After removing the buttons from the molar bands....couldn' t tell you what buttons are or what they are for, but if anyone knows feel free to fill me in. She glued them into place. I did not taste or smell the adhesive (thank god!) She did get some on my face....but that was easily taken care of. Today was the first visit where I was surrounded by children. It reminded me that this really is a young persons trip....made me feel youthful. :lol: One of the kids was so excited to be getting a butterfly on her glittery retainer. Is it immature that I too want a glittery butterfly retainer? I guess parts of me haven't grown up yet.

I brought my best friend for this trip. She sat in the corner looking bored. I had promised her it was probably worth the hour and a half hanging out reading magazines. They showed me the brackets before they put them on. Ooooh ... aaaahh....they were so little....and so clear. She was so careful to remove all the excess adhesive from around the brackets. The usual thirty seconds with the dental light. It went like clock work.

On a side note, I really have to hand it to all the dental hygienist and assistants who are up on the personal grooming. When I worked in the dental office I was a perfectionist when it came to eyebrows and stray tiny hairs and makeup ect. I mean I was right in peoples face! This nice lady seemed to have a hang on that. Makes life so much more pleasant when you are over an hour in the chair looking up at someone without anything else to concentrate on. I can really appreciate that. Now that I sell real estate I am no longer self conscious of one stray eyebrow hair...

Once she had them on I sat up and smiled to show my friend. She yelled, " I can't see them from here" they passed the first test! :P

Wire went on with out a hitch, except that one canine that never wants to behave.... The wire is only little, I guess I gotta work my way up to the big girl wire. Adjustments are only every two months! Like wow! I mean I drove two hours to get there (more if you count picking up my friend in town) Something about the wire being self ligating(sp?), it just moves back and forth doing its job.

They showed me in the mirror and it was like...beautiful. No coloured elastics, no sharp hooks....clear in the front and metal in the back. I smile big so you can see the metal ones, but still, very grown up looking braces. I love them. Except for those awful cheek retractors the whole experience was about as traumatic as a facial. After that it was just a quick speech on how to clean them, an explanation on how to use all the stuff in the goody bag. I have to say they were pretty generous. Ten of those christmas tree brushes (five that bend every which way) floss, two tooth brushes, floss threaders, silicone and wax ( in case i have a preference) a nice card to explain how to deal with loose wires or lost brackets, some other brush thingy and some canker sore stuff. I'm sure I have forgotten something. They showed me a nasty picture of what happens if you don't take care of your teeth and I got a good chuckle out of that. Maybe if I wasn't paying almost seven grand for this I would forget to not even then. Oh ya and the list of no no foods. Good thing I ate corn on the cob all weekend long.

Next it was a few photos and that was it. No trauma, no pinched gums or horrible pain.
I forgot the battery in my camera so I could only get a picture with my cell phone.

They told me I had four or five hours before it started to hurt so I went to have Dim Sum ( chinese dumplings). No problems eating, even with chopsticks. So happy to have those elastics out, I could chew. I stuck to the soft dumplings as I was unsure of biting into things with my front teeth.

Brushing was a new experience. I brought my battery powered brush...I was a little lost on what to do with it really. I left the restaurant bathroom with food still in my braces. Thank god I was with my friend who was not offended while I picked at my teeth with my fingernail (ew) :shock:

My next stop was to pick up a waterpik. I used it as soon as I got home and I soaked my whole bathroom. I just couldn't hold the button long enough to get it to my mouth. :oops: My husband did not think this was nearly as humorous as it really was. I must practice my brace cleaning, brushing and water pikking. I would really recommend the water pik. For forty bucks and a drenched bathroom it seemed highly effective.

I will not speak too soon as to pain. I have siliconed my lower as yet unused molar band. Talking and laughing all day left my cheek a little raw. Other than that only a bit of pain. We will see how I feel tommorrow morning though. :wink: As for now things are nice and tingly, I hope that is good and a sign things are working nicely.

Here is the picture I took with my cell phone. I am sorry about the whole retractor does show the whole shebang though doesn't it?
Its not the highest resolution (being a cellphone not a real camera) You can hardly even see the brackets.


Uploaded with

Here is a better one I took at home with the digital camera...


Uploaded with

I guess I have never had any other types of braces. But I really love these clear damon brackets. I could probably do a commercial for them. )
Those do not look like clear Damons. are you sure those are Damons?
They look like Inovation C or Radiance. but not damons

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