Midline Adjustments... treatment length??

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Midline Adjustments... treatment length??

#1 Post by Miranbrady20 »

My ortho advised me that he wasnt going to try and fix my midline because my one tooth central incisor is wider then the other and it will look off no matter what... I feel that I should at least try to get it done... He also told me that within the next few months I will be brace free... BUT if I ask to fix the midline how many month will that tack on to my treatment? What is your experiences with lenght of time with midline alignment? Also if you all could lend me some advise... Here is a pic of my current midline and I would like to have your opinions on if asking for alignment is just a silly request or if I should ask my ortho to adjust it for me?

Here it is:


I think it looks like its off to my right a little bit and I think that I should ask... what do you think? am I being too anal about?

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#2 Post by drrick »

If one tooth is wider than its counterpart why not thin the larger one for more symmetry. I dont think that will get your midline 100% on.

Research sows the midline can be off 4mm before tha avg person finds it less attractive. Look at tom cruises midline. It is off more than that and people always say he has a great smile.
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