43yr old with ceramics, veneers and Top & Bottom Expande

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43yr old with ceramics, veneers and Top & Bottom Expande

#1 Post by mercedesgirl »

I'm 43 years old with overcrowded teeth. 20 years ago my dentist put veneers on 6 of my top teeth. To date I still hated my smile so i decided on getting braces. Two weeks ago I had them put on so I now have a full mouth of ceramic braces, and BOTH a Top & Bottom Palate Expander. Talk about discomfort! Every 6 days my ceramics pop off one of my veneers, plus I talk with a lisp and it sounds as though I have a bag of potatoes in my mouth. I certainly can't eat any solid food. I live on mashed potatoes & macaroni and cheese. I was informed by my dentist that my expanders will stay put for about 6 months. I'm hoping to God after six months they are removed. When will I speak and eat normally again. Besides feeling unattractive I speak horribly, can't sing along with my favorite songs, and definitely have a hard time yelling at my children when needed. Any Advice Out There?

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#2 Post by ohmyjaw »

definitely have a hard time yelling at my children when needed. Any Advice Out There?
Ha ha!

My only advice is this: be patient, and it will get better. I had an upper palate expander for quite some time during my first round of braces. This was back in my teen years but I remember it. I do remember I adjusted to it, but there were some sounds I could never pronounce properly, no matter how much I practiced.

Also, you will probably find that you get back to eating normally in a short time. Probably you will get tired of the macaroni and mashed potatoes, and really start craving your favourite foods, and find a way to eat them.

As for feeling unattractive, I guess that is why we get braces in the first place. Putting up with some temporary discomfort and unattractiveness in exchange for better teeth in the long term. However, you will be surprised at how many people don't even notice that you have braces.

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