LadyJ's story - B-DAY update and pics (pg.3)

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LadyJ's story - B-DAY update and pics (pg.3)

#1 Post by LadyJ »

My journey really all started about 14 years ago. I've known I needed braces since I was 11 or 12. I vaguely remember having - and breaking - a retainer when I was in 3rd grade. I had a graft done in 6th grade to move tissue from the roof of my mouth and supplement the very low gumline on my lower incisors. I guess the next step after that was braces, but I refused.

My parents didn't have much money but they would have gone ahead with it if I had been willing. (My younger brothers later both had braces.) I think I was trying to save them the money - after all, my teeth weren't that bad, I thought. I also didn't want to mess with braces.

I made it through middle school and high school, marching band and prom, college and my wedding without braces, and I considered myself lucky. Then it became more of a stubbornness issue - I've made it this far! My teeth are fine!

When I switched to my current dentist a couple years ago, he was all over me to get braces, but I'd have to have my (partially erupted) wisdom teeth out. At the time they were giving me no problems and I didn't want to mess with the expense and recovery from the surgery for nothing (plus it was a convenient excuse to not get braces!).

Well, this summer I had stuff get caught under the gum flaps over my lower wisdom teeth - leading to serious inflammation and pain for days at a time - three separate times, usually when I was out of town (go figure). The third time was the last straw, and I scheduled the extraction with the OS my dentist recommended. Once they were out, I knew I might as well look into braces, so at my next cleaning I asked my dentist's office for a referral to an ortho.

The recommended ortho turned out to be down the hall from my dentist's office (convenient!). I went for a consult on August 30th. The ortho and the "treatment coordinator" (assistant?) were both extremely pleasant, competent, and willing to talk with me/answer questions. I felt very comfortable with them both. Always a good thing! I was impressed enough with how far technology has progressed and how up-to-date the office was and what options I was given that I decided to seriously consider going ahead with it. I had until Oct-Nov when the open enrollment paperwork for next year's insurance was due at work.

Well, that time is now and I have decided to go ahead with it.

I am both dismayed and glad I waited this long for braces. Dismayed, because if you've seen my teeth up close, you know they're pretty bad. (Oh, healthy and clean, just really, really crowded, especially on the bottom.) I'm wishing I'd stuck to the treatment recommended when I was much younger, and gotten braces when I should have, because by now I'd have had nice, straight teeth for a while.

OTOH I'm actually glad because by waiting, I have reached the point where there is technology to make the whole process much faster/smoother/less painful. I also avoided having braces in band (hit by a flagpole would not have been fun, and playing an oboe with that itty-bitty embouchure...), for prom, college, and my wedding.

Honestly, if I'd gotten braces way back in middle or high school, it would probably have taken 2-3 years and they would have removed teeth (possibly as many as 4). I also may or may not have had to use a palatal expander, since my arches are so narrow and constricted.

Now my ortho wants to use the Damon system - his office is one of only 2 in the area to offer it. He's pretty confident that treatment will only require 18-20 months. I will most likely not have to have any extractions. And no expanders, spacers, or surgery. I'll only have to go in every 8-10 weeks for adjustments/wire changes. He was actually pretty excited to see me, as the system is fairly new to him and he said I was a "prime candidate." I think he's happy to have found a good "example" case, but I don't feel like I'm being manipulated - he honestly thinks this will work really well for me. After reading up on it and doing extensive research I'm excited and think it will, too.

The office also uses OrthoCAD iQ, which is computer planning for bracket placement and the brackets come in trays that slip on to my teeth, are bonded, then they peel the tray away. Quick and precise. I thought it was pretty cool. I'll also get to see the projected outcome of my treatment when I go in for banding. Fun times.

I actually didn't get any estimates from other orthodontists because after doing my own research I was so impressed with the combination of Damon system and OrthoCAD, I didn't feel the need. Also since their office is right down the hall - maybe 20 feet - from my dentist, having the wires out for cleanings and whatnot will be super easy.

The actual brackets I get will be a combination of the solid-metal Damon 3MX brackets (all lower and side-upper teeth) and the mostly clear ceramic Damon 3's on my upper front 6 teeth (the most visible). I like the Damons because even the solid-metal brackets are pretty small, and there are no bands/ligatures to stain and collect food particles/plaque/bacteria (unless I end up with powertrains, but my issue is crowding, not gaps). They're supposed to be easier in general to keep clean. And hey - if they really do reduce my treatment time and/or pain - bonus! If not, well, I'll deal. :wink:

So. Before pics:


You can see how my top arch (upper left in photo) is constricted into a "house" or "tent" shape. My canines came in ABOVE my baby canines, so they're high in my gums and stick out a bit.

My lower arch (upper right) is really constricted and bows in, making all four of my lower incisors plus my lower canines jumbled and twisted. My canines are rotated about 90 degrees. Here's a pic I took that shows the lower teeth better from the front:


The bottom consult pics show my deep overbite (90%) and I think I have maybe a 4-5 mm overjet. Also you can see some of my molars don't match up.

I have some gum recession, especially on the lower teeth, that my ortho wants to watch carefully. I think that's partly genetic and partly a result of overbrushing. Trying to compensate for my crowded teeth by brushing really, really thoroughly.

My appointments are made as of yesterday: x-rays and impressions on January 3rd, and the braces themselves (!) two weeks later on the 17th.

That's mainly to comply with the way my payment is set up (through a flex spending account for calendar year 2008, since I don't have adult ortho with my dental coverage). Side benefit of waiting till the new year: I can binge during the holidays and enjoy them, at least. Expect to see me going for a lot of my favorite and soon-to-be-verboten foods (I think sushi qualifies *sigh*) over the next couple months.

Pics and updates in January once I'm actually braced!
Last edited by LadyJ on Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

Posts: 110
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:40 am
Location: KY, USA

#2 Post by LadyJ »

Heyhey! It worked this time! :D (Only about the 12th attempt to post over the past 5 days...kept getting thwarted by the "debug" error.) :roll:
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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#3 Post by joney »

Good luck with starting your treatment in January. You have nice teeth and I imagine they'll be stunning when the overcrowding is tackled. You'll be amazed at how quickly things come into line (the honeymoon period as they say). I have damons and have found them fine but of course I have nothing to compare them too. However I am glad that I haven't had to worry about elastics staining, although of course I could have just chosen colours that don't stain. Good that you don't need extractions, I needed extractions unfortunately.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#4 Post by LadyJ »

Thanks Joney and Karen for stopping by!

As I have been discussing with Meryaten in another thread, I want to clarify: I don't think Damons are necessarily a "better" treatment than other brackets, especially traditional brackets. When I say my ortho thinks I'm a good candidate for Damons, it's more that, as Meryaten put it:
Meryaten wrote:...yours is a case where using them will allow him more easily to achieve the goals of treatment, and that if it were equally easy for him using the less expensive "regular" brackets, then he would do so instead
She really hit the nail on the head there.
KK wrote:it was found there's more chance of food particles/plaque/bacteria collecting behind doors and clips then to the top of a surface
That makes sense, now that I think about it. I can see the doors "snagging" bits of food. But I also think around and behind the ligs/powerchains (as opposed to the "top surface") is a place bacteria, et al could congregate. So it's probably a six of one, half dozen of another kind of situation.

Now, for me personally, I also like the way the Damon brackets look on teeth, and I'm not one for ligs and colors so the smaller and less obtrusive the brackets the better for me aesthetically. I would have wanted to go with ceramic brackets and clear or unobtrusive ligs if Damon had not been recommended. But since it was, the absence of ligs and therefore no staining or fading is a bonus for me. Again, it's a personal preference.

As for the indirect bonding, it was also a new procedure to me. Been around a while, I know, but I had never heard of it and I'm glad my ortho does it. The other office I was referred to for a consult (but ultimately didn't visit) did one of my coworkers' husband's braces, and she said they don't offer any of the options my ortho does. Her husband's teeth came out great! But if I can get great teeth with some added conveniences, hey - I'll take it. :thumbsup:

Foods...well, I love nuts, and I know those are out. :roll: I'm also a sucker for sushi rolls (the more complicated the better!) and since you're supposed to eat those all in one bite, and they're full of rice and all sorts of other stuff that will stick in braces...I probably won't be eating nearly as much as I do now. I'll just skip the crusts on my pizza, and give up hard breads, slice up my apples and crunchy fruit, and eat more things with knife and fork. I can do without caramel or taffy or most hard/sticky candies.

Chewing gum I CANNOT do without - Freud would say I'm oral fixative, hehe - but I chew mostly sugar-free anyway, and my ortho said as long as I'm careful and stick (not literally!) to the sugar-free I'm okay to keep using it. :dance:

Until then, though, I'm gonna live it up at Thanksgiving and Christmas and enjoy everything it might take me a while to get back to eating. :wink:
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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Location: KY, USA

#5 Post by LadyJ »

Well, I've never personally had ligs as I've not been braced before. But my brothers have, and several close friends. I got to hear all their complaints. But I do think the people who rock the colors look great! :D

I'm more of a minimalist, trying to find the least-noticable option. I went in to my consult asking about Invisalign (even though I was pretty sure I wasn't a good candidate - too much rotation). He ruled that out pretty quickly so I asked about ceramic brackets. Which, as it turns out, my ortho doesn't use. So it was metal brackets for me...except they wanted to use the Damons (for reasons stated above). They showed me a model with half Damons and half regular brackets. I really liked how the Damons looked, even in full metal, as compared to regular brackets. After a little cajoling I got them to agree to the mostly-ceramic Damon 3s on my upper front 6, and the metal 3MXs on the rest. So I'm pleased.

I might - might! - feel a little twinge of jealousy around Christmas and holidays at all the folks with the fun seasonal ligs, though. :wink:
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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Location: England

#6 Post by joney »

Don't worry about eating. You'll be fine, initially your teeth may be tender but that soon wears off. The only thing I don't eat is hard sticky toffee type sweets, it is a bit hard to enjoy chewing those type of sweets with a brace, and besides they are bad for my teeth. Nuts you can eat and popcorn (but not the hard kernels) but they can be a bit annoying to clean up afterwards.

I have a damon 3 brace. I got it because that is what my ortho recommended and I didn't even know about other types (full metal, ceramic etc.) at the time. It has been perfectly fine for me and yes the one big advantage is that you don't need to worry about clear or light coloured ligs staining but then you do miss out on the fun of picking colours.

Enjoy your free teeth and it will be new year before you know it.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#7 Post by timewaster »

Welcome LadyJ!

Your teeth look lovely to begin with, so I have no doubt that they'll be stunning once they're done. I look forward to following your progress!

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#8 Post by LadyJ »

Reposting here the pics I took for my Aquafresh White Trays review in "Dental Do-dads", because they will serve as some more good "before" shots.

Here's what my teeth looked like this summer, before the first round of DIY whitening (small, sorry!):


Here's what they look like now, after two rounds (4 months apart):


Compare that to the pics in my "before braces" photos in the first post. The closeup of my teeth is in-between rounds, so lighter than the summer pics but not as white as the above shot.

For a real comparison, look at my lower canine and bicuspid vs. my upper incisors in this pic:


So, I'm pleased. Only my front teeth show and I enjoy seeing my much whiter smile in the mirror:


Now just to cover them all up with brackets! :-)
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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#9 Post by browneyedgrl »

Hi Lady,

Did you call your ortho to see if it's okay to whiten your teeth? Your teeth came out great! My b-day is a week before you. I'd love to do it since I'm getting ceramics on top.

I think I read in one of your other posts that your teeth were sensitive or was it your gums? How sensitive and how long did it last? PLMK.

Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


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#10 Post by TigerLily »

Ii don't know much about damone so can't comment.. But it sounds like you are comfortable with your ortho so that's great!

I was not offered damons but I don't have lig staining issues as my ortho uses wire ties as standard.

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#11 Post by LadyJ »

browneyedgrl - The full review I did is here. Basically, the type and severity of sensitivity depends on how often you use the trays.

Every other day didn't bother my gums that much, but my teeth were usually a little achy (nothing terrible) the day after. I was completely back to normal by the second day after the last treatment.

Using it every day burned my gums by the end of the week, and my teeth were a bit sensitive too. It hurt to brush, even lightly with a manual brush. But 3-4 days after I finished everything was back to normal.

If you want a fast treatment, I'd say grit your teeth (no pun intended) and stick it out for a week. But if you've got the time the easier way is every other day.

To answer your other question, no I didn't ask my ortho first. :roll: I reasoned that it was far enough out from my brace day (over a month) and OTC so not really abrasive or strong that by the time I get bracketed my teeth will be back to normal. And it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. :wink:

I'm getting the clear Damons on top, so I wanted nice white teeth underneath. I think there are quite a few of us getting braced in January, so it will be fun to have others on the same timeframe.

TigerLily - I hadn't heard of Damons either, but my ortho likes them and I trust him. But since you'll have the wire ties and mine are SL, I guess neither of us will have to watch the color of food we eat! :-)
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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Location: Central Florida

#12 Post by browneyedgrl »

Hi Lady,

I'm so bummed, I called my ortho today because I had a couple of questions that I needed answered, one of which was if I could whiten my teeth. I was told that it wouldn't be a good idea since my bonding date was in 3 weeks, but I could whiten my teeth once I get my braces off. Oh well, I better enjoy the whitening toothpaste for now and cut back on the coffee.
Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


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Making a Good Impression

#13 Post by LadyJ »

Just got back to work from my impressions appointment. Now the clock really starts ticking.

They took me right back when I signed in. I tried to get my coordinator to retake my face shots (since I'd bothered with hair and makeup today) but no dice. :roll:

The x-rays took about a second. Literally. They had a pan and bite wings for me already, so this was just the cephalometric.

From there it was into the "common room" - there are about 5 chairs arranged in a curve, facing outward, with centralized counters and brush/rinse stations. While I was there another woman about my age, maybe a little older, came in and had her braces adjusted. Two teen boys were there and another older teen or maybe early 20's girl.

I was anticipating the nasty alginate trays but good news! that's not what they used. :dance: It seriously looked like Play-Doh, blue and white that she squished together (activating it?) and then put in a plastic tray and C-R-A-M-M-E-D it into my mouth. Set for 5 minutes, removed, put some yellow stuff in and put it back in my mouth for another few minutes. Then it came out nice and hard. Rinse, repeat for lower jaw.

The impression trays went right into a special box to be shipped off to OrthoCAD posthaste. While I was there they were supposed to be bonding someone but the indirect bonding trays had not come in from OrthoCAD yet. Oops! :oops: I hope mine are not delayed. I heard one of the orthos comment that they had approved the plan on the 29th, so it was likely due to the holidays.

My ortho came by to chat while I was between impressions. I mentioned I had been researching the Damons and his face lit up and he told me again how impressed he was with the system, etc. I also mentioned ArchWired and he said he'd heard of it - knew there was a forum - but I was the first patient of theirs who had been active on here. So I'll print some info to take in with me at my next appointment.

Last thing, the tech came at me with what looked like a caulk gun and squeezed some blue goop on top of my lower teeth and asked me to bite down so they'd have a record of my bite pattern. Now I officially cannot bite someone while committing a crime - they'll know it's me. :lol:

Then one last meeting with my coordinator, payment - gulp! - and I was out of there. Two weeks from today I'll be bonded.
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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Location: KY, USA

#14 Post by LadyJ »

Oh, and I forgot to say that my DentaKit order came in late last week and you would have thought it was Christmas all over again! :-V

I got the eponymous DentaKit (black, to match my purse), some spare travel and regular ortho toothbrushes, a bunch of OrthoSil, the comfort covers, and a few odds and ends. :-}

Add that to the Oral-B ortho brushheads I've been stocking up on, and whatever I get in my goody bag (I saw a closet FULL of stuff, so here's hoping!) I should be set! :dance:
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

Miss Smiley
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#15 Post by Miss Smiley »

LadyJ, sounds like you had a blast with your records appointment and receiving your goodies in the mail!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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