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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:43 am
by missfashionista
Congrats on finally getting fully braced! They look good! And now the patience begins while we wait for changes to happen in our mouths...

How are you feeling today? Getting used to them yet? I have stopped using wax during the day to help "toughen" my cheeks up too...only use them at night. During the day, whenever I feel like I am getting a sore (usually when my mouth is dry) I drink lots of water and I think that helps a lot.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:05 pm
by jenny101101
Braced32: My molar build-up is now almost back to being white :( . I guess I'll have to bake another pie..hehe! That's too bad your wire is bothering you. Here's to those extraction gaps closing *fingers crossed*... :thumbsup:

Unhappy teeth: Hey, we can be brace buddies! :D Yes, the build-up is a keep rubbing the side of my tongue on it. :evil:

Wired: No, not nice molar build-up(mbu)...BAAAAD mbu! :wink: hehe I guess it's better then having turbos. Thanks for the kinds words :BigGrin: .

missfashionista: Thanks!! Yes, waiting....I hate waiting :ThumbsDown: . I'm feeling pretty good today and, yep, I'm used to them already. I only ended up using wax that first day and night over the front brackets. I've been doing warm salt water rinses and they've been a good preventative! I also drink a lot of water. Even though I seem to be always swallowing(saliva), my mouth feels pasty at the same time....weird! :huh:

Well, today I finally saw another adult with braces. My DH and I went to meet with our new financial advisor(in his 40's, I'd say) and I was pleasantly surprised to see him sporting upper ceramics(very discreet). I wanted to ask him a million questions but, sadly I chickened out and didn't mention it once through the whole 2 hours meeting. I kept wanting to say something like "We'll have to see how much we have left over to invest after all my metal is paid for!" Oh well, maybe next time I'll strike up a conversation :roll: .

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:50 am
by SGPWired
Hi Jenny -

My first adjustment was today - actual no adjustment at all. However, my ortho scheduled me for full Metal at my next appointment - and mentioned turbos. :yikes: Actually, this is good news 'cause I am most eager to get these teeth a moving.

Good luck with your progress!! :-}

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:37 am
by *melissa*
Hi Jenny! Thanks for the words of encouragement :D I am feeling a lil bummed today - not because of braces, more because it's Monday! But you helped, so thanks! I'll be sure to head over to walmart to check out their waterpiks :mrgreen:

Good luck to you on your braces journey!! :D Hope your teeth are fast movers!!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:55 pm
by ShineUpMyBoots
Hey Jenny! :D I realized I hadn't posted in your story yet, so I thought I'd go ahead and do just that.

It's awesome to see other adults with braces out in the "real world" instead of just sitting in your computer, eh? I know I felt a lot better about mine when I saw that my cousin [19, like me] and much older aunt [she's in her 50s] snuck out and got braces but didn't tell anyone in the family. I think we're all reassured by eachother!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:13 pm
by Kara
Hi Jenny!

Awesome pictures! You're an official metal mouth now, huh? :lol: My brothers like to come up with all sorts of different nicknames for me now that I have braces. Metal mouth and train tracks seem to be the most popular with them. ;) Of course there are a few that I dont think are 'forum friendly' as well. LOL. Anyways... I'm rambling.... sorry. :D

You and I have the same braces on top!!!! I guess I didnt notice that before. I could TOTALLY relate when reading your adjustment story... it does hurt when they open those gates... That's my least favorite part of the whole appointment. I guess it gets a little easier or you get used to it... at my last adjustment it was only painful on a couple teeth but I could handle it.

Those teeth are looking really good! Here's to your progress! :-88

I gotta get back to work... it feels like a Monday. Ugh!! :computer:

Take care!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:40 pm
by jenny101101
Hi Wired, *melissa*, Boots, and Kara! Thanks for the visit :D .

So, I've been having an issue flossing between my teeth in two spots. I've realised it's glue(bonding stuff)in there, so I'm off to the ortho's tomorrow morning to have it taken care of. I'm debating whether or not I should ask them to change my top wire since I "chickened out" at my original appt. last week. Any suggestions?

Wired: Can't wait to see pics of your lowers!! :banana:

Melissa: Glad I could help! :D Did you check out waterpiks yet? Trust me, best $$ I ever spent!!

Boots: Thanks for posting! Yeah, it was kind of weird to actually see another adult. I've run into a few teenagers(16-ish) I know who I haven't seen in a while, but it's not the same thing(considering I'm 32 :lol: )

Kara: Haha...yes, I'm sure brothers can be cruel. Mine lives too far away to bug me about mine but I'm sure the next time I see him(he hasn't seen me since I got them)he'll have some smart remark! :wink: Yes, we both have self-ligating. I looked back in your story to see yours and the only difference is yours are all white or clear, mine are half metal/half clear. What kind are yours? Mine are Damon 3's. Hey, at least if it FEELS like a Monday, but it's really Tuesday, then when Friday comes you'll think it's Thursday and be pleasantly surprised!! :shock:

2 months(tops)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:26 am
by jenny101101
Well, today is 2 months since I had my top braces put on. Up until a few weeks ago, I was impressed with the progress they were making but now they seem to be getting worse :( . Here are some progression pics...let me know what you think/any advise?

Day 1:


Day 1:


I must say though, I am impressed with that molar near the back that is lining up nicely but my two front teeth, which were always lined up, are now over lapping and it's driving me nuts!! :-+ I keep playing with it with my tongue and the side is quite sharp. Has anyone had this happen to them? I need some incouragement! :?

Thanks everyone(sorry about the depressing post :oops: ).

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:00 am
by elpi
Your teeth look heaps more in line, I can what you mean about your two front teeth overlapping a little but if you look at how they fit with the teeth next to them you can see that the overall arrangement is better. I'll bet they will straighten up again before too long.

I hope you don't mind me commenting when I'm not even in braces yet but I just had to say what great progress your teethies are making :D

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:27 am
by SGPWired
Hi Jenny –

Your teeth look great – very photogenic!

You definitely have some movement going on in your mouth – what a great feeling! :banana: I find it interesting too how the teeth move into odd positions. The good news is this is only temporary. I have heard this is just one step of a multiple step process, and soon you will see beauty these “magic wiresâ€

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:04 am
by *melissa*
I can totally tell a big difference in your arch- at first it was squarely, and now its roundy...woohoo!! and dont be depressed about your teeth over lapping, remember they will all be lined up perfectly shortly! :D

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:21 pm
by ShineUpMyBoots
Hey Jenny!

Oh, I know alllllll about the overlapping front teeth, but yours look eons better than mine! Your arch is rounding out really well. Don't you worry, this is just a step your teeth need to take before the final result!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:53 pm
by Kara
Well lookie there! Jenny is all braced! :D Congrats!!

Oh and girl... let me tell you... I've cut my tongue playing with my braces so many times!!! Your teeth look great though. Like I said before...That arch wire is shaping up beautifully!

Hang in there and good luck with your new set of bottom braces!


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:02 am
by laineyloo
Hey Jenny,

I think you have great progress there! That back molar really did snap right into line with the others. As for your front teeth ... you can really see that your top arch is rounding up ... I think that's why you are getting temporary overlapping. I've read a lot of other posts that say it does sometimes get worse while your teeth righting themselves so don't be worrying about it because it is all in the name of good things to come :D

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:21 am
by jenny101101
Thank you everyone for your wonderfully nice responses! :-** I must say, I'm not stressing as much today about those overlapping teeth and I'm really trying not to play with them.

elpi: Thanks for the positive words! :D And, no, I don't mind one little bit...comment away!! Hey, you're braced now, too! YAY! :banana:

Wired: Thanks for the photogenic comment. I've never really thought they were :? . It's so nice to hear it gets worse before it gets better so I can be positive.

*melissa*: Yes, I did notice the arch wire getting more rounded...thanks for noticing!! :dance:

Boots: Thanks! *sending you good vibes for your overlapping teeth, too*!! :wink:

Kara: I feel "officially" part of the metal mouth club now! Thanks for the positive comments! :D It's funny, it seemed to take a month to get used to the tops and now, only 2 weeks later, I feel like I've had the bottoms on just as's great!! :jump:

Well, not seeing any movement with my lowers yet but if I've learned anything, it's to be patient. I will be posting pics about two weeks apart, uppers and lowers seperately since they were braced 6 weeks apart. That way I have more pics to look at! I know how everyone(me included) LOVES pics!! hehe

Ok, I'm off to check out a few more journals and then enjoy the sunshine here today(calling for snow mixed with rain tomorrow! :evil: ). Oh, the joys of Canadian weather! :lol: