Jenny101101's Story**8 month UPDATE~ pics-Pg.16**

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#121 Post by jenny101101 »

Braced32: Ok, it's now'd the uppers go? Haha...positive pink posts. That WOULD be tricky to say five times fast. I'm heading over to your journal to give you a "push" to post about getting your uppers on :twisted: !

braces4astw22: Hi, fellow Canadian! How's the US treatin' ya? Thanks for the wonderful comments! Yes, I'm very happy with the changes:)

Boots: Haha! Yes, I guess it kind of does! Although, I havent' had girl guide cookies in ages....yum!

Well, today is 3 months since my upper braces went on. I'm not as excited as I anticipated I'd be at the 3 month mark, but mostly because of my front teeth still overlapping(in case anyone didn't read in my earlier posts, my two front teeth were always straight :( ). I'm happy with the rounding of my arch and my wandering molar is almost where it should be. I'm just anxious for it all to be sorted out. Anyhoo, here are some pics:

Day 1:


Enjoy!! :D
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#122 Post by *melissa* »

Hi Jenny, I think your teeth and arch look great! Remember your teeth are still moving and it won't be long before they dont overlap anymore...your toofers are fast movers :D

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#123 Post by callmeswtmisery »


I agree with Melissa they are moving really fast! Hang in there!

Unhappy teeth
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#124 Post by Unhappy teeth »

Looking really good- your archwire is really rounding out. :D I'm sure it won't be long until your front two teeth are straight again!

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#125 Post by braces4astw22 »

Hey Jenny your pics are great you can see some real good movement! I wouldnt be too concerned about the little overlap between the front, all your teeth have to move a bit to get things aligned before you know it I am sure they will be all in the right spot.

The US is treating me good except for the gas prices, I swear they go up seems like 10 cents every time I drive by. What part of Canada are you from? Im originally from Nova Scotia but lived in Ontario for about 6 years before we moved south of the border.
Shannon - being braced at age 29



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#126 Post by kaleeky »

Wow, Jenny, your arch is looking great! Everyone else is right; some other teeth have to move to make room for the rest. Just wait; in no time, you'll be posting the pics with the perfect arch.

BTW, thanks for visiting my journal. I guess we don't match with the Damons. I actually just found that out today when they were putting them in. My ortho kept saying "In-Ovation C's," and I kept thinking they made a mistake and put the wrong ones in; turns out the assistant just showed them to me and called them Damons.

I'll be following your story. Thanks again for the support. :D


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#127 Post by jenny101101 »

Melissa: Thanks! :D I keep telling myself to be patient with my overlapping teeth. It's frustrating but coming here and reading all these encouraging words from everyone really helps!! :thumbsup:

swtmisery: Thank you, too! How are your teeth today? Hopefully you're doing well.

Unhappy teeth: I hope you're right....thanks!

braces4astw22: Thank you! I hear you on the gas prices!! I think we're paying $1.31/litre so that's over $5 a gallon...crazy! :evil: I'm on P.E.I. , born and raised. I have a lot of family in the states, though, so I get down there quite often. I love the shopping!! :lol:

kaleeky(Grace): Thank you , too! Yes, I figured they weren't Damons when I saw your pics but I really like them! I wish my ortho offered those. How are you doing today?

Well, thanks again to everyone for all the positive words! :D Although I'm a bit frustrated with my upper arch, I'm staying upbeat. My lowers have been aching almost everyday and I'm noticing more changes in a few teeth so I'm excited about that. I haven't been taking anything for the pain, but last night had to give in and take a few tylenol and still didn't get to sleep until 1 a.m. :shock: ! Oh well, I'm not complaining....let's get those teeth moving!! :jump: I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!!
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#128 Post by DaneAnthony »

Hey Jenny,

Things are looking great! Your arch is so nice!! :P

Hey, try not to worry too much about the overlap (easier said than done, I know). One of my centrals overlapped and, coz of the brazes, it was protruding like crazy ( :oops: ) but, it didn't take long to pull itself back in and get into shape. If my tooth can get back in, so can yours for sure and in no time at all I bet!!! I bet it will sore itself out real soon, plus, it will be incredibly exciting when it does suddenly slip back into place now!!! Seeing them move around like this is all part of the fun right?!?! :-)

Anyways, great pics! Can't wait to see things in a few weeks!! 8)

Keep smilin' Jenny!!!!!

Dane :)
Next Adjustment: August 20th, 2008 at 5pm


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#129 Post by insinu8 »

Jenny, your upper arch is looking really nice and rounded. That's excellent! Maybe your uppers and lowers are just being polite and taking turns? :)

Happy holiday weekend :-1



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#130 Post by kittymeow84 »

There's definitely a lot of movement happening there. Your arch is getting much rounder.

I'm the same with my two front teeth. They were always straight but right now they're going through a bit of a wonky stage. I figure the way the ortho works is he/she makes enough room for everything by shuffling everything around and THEN gets to work on straightening it all out. I could be entirely wrong hey....but I'm sure your ortho wont let your teeth stay the way they are :)
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#131 Post by SGPWired »

Hi Jenny –

Great pics! Your teeth are progressing nicely! I predict your teeth will have a reduced sentence for good behavior.

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#132 Post by LaLaDee »

Hoorah for movement! Your arch is coming along nicely. Be patient and the front teeth will get sorted out soon.

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#133 Post by jenny101101 »

DaneAnthony: Thanks! And hearing someone else has had "overlappers" and they worked themselves out makes me feel so much better. The hardest part is waiting, isn't it? It's like a kid at Christmas!! :P

insinu8: Love the username, btw! Yes, I think they must be being polite...haha! Maybe I should tell them to knock it off and work together? :lol:

kittymeow84: You too? Here's to yours getting all straightened out...I'm routing you on!! :banana:

Wired: Thank you! I like your predictions! I hope your right... :D

LaLaDee: Thanks for stopping in! All these words of encouragement sure do help me get through the day! :D

Well, no real news. I'm a night clencher and I've noticed my molar build-up isn't as high as it used to be. My left central incisor is touching the bracket below it , but just barely so it can wait until my adjustment next Thursday....which I'm soooooo looking forward too!!! :jump: Wonder what's in store for me? Hmmmm......
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#134 Post by browneyedgrl »

Hi Jenny,

You're making great progress! Your arch is getting nicely rounded. Maybe you'll end up with a shorter sentence! :D

Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


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#135 Post by Braced32 »

jenny101101 wrote:Braced32: Ok, it's now'd the uppers go? Haha...positive pink posts. That WOULD be tricky to say five times fast. I'm heading over to your journal to give you a "push" to post about getting your uppers on :twisted: !
Hi jenny ~

Something must have come up because you never made it to my blog to harrass - I mean push - me to post!! Ha ha! :lol:

The uppers went ok! Check out my blog for all the details.



02/04/08 Extractions (4 deciduous second molars & 1 wisdom tooth)

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