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Permanent bottom retainer

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:59 pm
by atex
So mine just came off after 17 years so here is my question. What are the odds that my teeth will move. Not move back, I never really had issues with my front teeth, it was my back teeth that made me need braces. Also, Please I've always wondered this. If all my work(fixing my bite, moving my back teeth forward as I am missing 4 adult teeth) was done on the back teeth. How does have my 4 front top and bottom in a permanent retainer keep my teeth from moving when the problem are isn't even bonded?

Re: Permanent bottom retainer

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 2:18 pm
by Jethro
I would suggest getting it replaced, as teeth can move througout our lifetime. Good luck.

All the Best,
