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Getting used to not having braces

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:45 pm
by Rickrolled
Hi :D

How long does it take to feel normal after getting braces off?

I just got my braces off and I know that it feels a little weird after getting them off but all day I've been licking them and they feel slimy.

And wow, they feel so big too! I'm finding it hard to look at myself in the mirror. I look so different and unnatural. :?

I got a top and bottom permanent retainer and will get some revomables soon. They feel bulky and uncomfortable to eat with them.

Did anybody have a problem where their cheeks hover over the teeth after having braces between them?

Any opinion would be helpful
Thanks! :D

Re: Getting used to not having braces

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:09 am
by djspeece
It took me about 6 weeks to get accustomed to not having braces. I still maintain a high degree of oral hygiene (e.g., brushing after every meal) and using a mouthwash with peroxide for the super-clean feeling.

Re: Getting used to not having braces

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:46 am
by Rickrolled
Thanks :D