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Help! Really upset..Broken permanent upper retainer

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:03 pm
by zaqwe33
I had a permanent bonded upper retainer placed a little over six months ago. It is a braided stainless steel wire bonded to each of the top six front teeth. It's a pain with the extra cleaning required and always being able to feel it with my tongue. But as long as it was doing the job I was OK living with it.

The wire has broken and I'm looking at having to pay more $$$ to get a new wire bonded into place.
I don't expect a lifetime guarantee like Midas, but if something is called "permanent" it shouldn't break in such a short time.

From what I've read it seems permanent upper retainers are not used by most orthodontist because it's subjected to the constant wear and tear from the lower teeth and can tend to break in a relatively short period of time.
If I get the same thing put back in isn't it just going to break like this one?

My question is -
Should I be upset at being given a retention solution that most orthodontist don't use, that I wasn't given any other options, nor warned as to how poorly upper retainers last?

Should I ask for something else, such h as Hawley or Essex to wear at night?

Thanks everyone!

Re: Help! Really upset..Broken permanent upper retainer

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:46 pm
by SlimZippy
I would definitely ask for either a Hawley or an Essix to wear at night. I have upper and lower permanent retainers as you did as well as a Hawley. I wasn’t aware that most orthodontists don’t apply a fixed upper wire. I’m glad I have mine, a little bit of extra security.
Did your lower teeth break the wire or detach it? Maybe they can attach it higher up the upper teeth next time?

Re: Help! Really upset..Broken permanent upper retainer

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:51 am
Personally I would get a Hawley because it will last you much longer than essix. The advantage to permanent retainers is your compliance is guaranteed because you can't remove it. But if you are 100% compliant with wearing your removable, then it will likely do just as good a job at retaining(maybe even better because it covers the jaw teeth as well), and its more hygienic.

Re: Help! Really upset..Broken permanent upper retainer

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:21 pm
by felicia
I had Hawley retainers for about a month, I hated them, I really don't understand why they are so praised. They're bulky, speech is awful, I didn't have a bite, they did not keep my teeth where they were suppose to stay, not even after a few bents my ortho put in the wire. I had to be rebraced within a month from getting them. At my second debracing I'm getting upper and lower permanent and essix retainers. I hope I'll be happier with them.