Retainer Talk

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Retainer Talk

#1 Post by asu1983 »

How bad is lisping with Hawley/Essix? Do people really gag with them? I've read so much about these two retainers, but I guess I can't find a consensus on how it makes you talk! I get my braces off in October.

Please help!


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#2 Post by TeenQueen »

I have an Essix on the top and a Hawley on my bottom teeth. I lisp a little bit but it never botherd me since I was so happy to have my braces off. I never had any gagging. The more you wear them and get used to them the easeir it will be to talk. I now wear mine at night so I do have to say my lisp has come back, but again the retainers are soooooo much better than braces. Good Luck :lol:

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#3 Post by kirst1583 »

I have the opposite to TeenQueen; a Hawley on the top and an essix for the bottom (over the top of a bonded retainer).
My speech is fine. I do notice a difference but when I ask other people they say I sound normal so it mustn't be too bad.
I never had gagging or anything. It did take a bit of getting used to but the more you wear them the easier it will be.


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#4 Post by erica »

It only took me a day or two to begin talking normally with my upper and lower Essix retainers. I just sang along a lot with the radio for practice and found that my lisp (which was QUITE noticeable that first day! :) ) quickly disappeared. Fortunately, I never had any problems with gagging. Best of luck, and congrats on the upcoming debanding!
Braced 10/13/04
Debanded on 07/11/06!!! :)
Currently in upper and lower Essix retainers 24/7.

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