Two retainers - Why???

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Two retainers - Why???

#1 Post by Clara »

Just a quick question, I finally had my braces off the bottom teeth about 5/6 weeks ago and they put a permanent retainer on the back which doesn't really bother me, but theyve also given me a plastic gum shield type thing that i have to wear at night. Why do I have to wear two retainers? will it make much difference if i don't wear the plastic thing? I hate it so much and if i wear it my bite feels weird like it doesn't match up for a couple of hours after. I must admit that I put off going back to the ortho to get my plastic thing 4 weeks longer than i should. Will i be ok if i don't wear it seeing how ive got a bonded retainer or should i just get a grip and comply :roll: ???


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#2 Post by Kevin »

The permanent retainer is most likely just on the back of the front teeth, while the other retainer holds all of your teeth in place. If you don't want your back teeth moving then I'd suggest wearing your retainer.

It doesn't sound too comfortable though. I have a lower hawley which isn't so bad. You might want to ask about changing to a hawley.


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#3 Post by kirst1583 »

I wear an essix retainer over the top of my bonded one also. I'm only supposed to wear it one night a week though... and it really doesn't bother me.
As Kevin says.. the bonded retainer probably only keeps some of your teeth in place (for me it's the front 6).
I wouldn't risk undoing all the work that's been done on your teeth.
If it's that uncomfortable speak to your ortho and i'm sure he/she can come up with a more suitable retainer.


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