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How do you know when you're done?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:04 am
by maddiesmom
What specifically are the orthos looking for in terms of letting them know therapy with braces is complete? And what signs can patients look for to see that 'the end' is getting near?

I've had braces for 9 months now and while things are moving they are moving slowly in my opinion. The ortho keeps saying things look great and my estimated treatment time was 18-24 months though he thinks 18 months is more likely. I know 9 months isn't a huge amount of time but I don't see any great changes in my teeth at all. I do see that things are finally moving (slowly) but I think my teeth actually look worse than better. I know everyone is different but I've read millions of posts from those who've had braces for a month or two and can't believe what results they're seeing in their teeth...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:17 pm
by Infamy
Everyone's teeth will move at different speeds.

One way to know is when you get an x-ray to ensure proper root position. If they are in the proper position, or close, your orthodontist will start finalizing your treatment. This is a good indicator that you are close.

If they're currently moving the roots, you won't really notice many changes. Your teeth will still move, but a lot of it is done under the gums and you can't really see.

I'm sure your treatment is on schedule.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:28 pm
by johnnys_angel
When I had braces, after about 7-8 months of the 'new-braces' excitement, I felt I had a bleak future of metalmouth. Month after month I would go to the ortho, but see no change. Then all of a sudden my orthodontist was telling me I would get them off in the next few months! Just hang in there, it will go by quickly. Until then, maybe try getting fun-colored ligatures, those always used to cheer me up because it was kind of cool figuring out "which color I wanted next". Good luck!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:51 am
by Clough
I was going to post this question a few weeks ago. I was given an 18month sentence, but I'm getting mine off tomorrow. My treatment just took 11mths. I'm looking forward to it, but still can't believe it!

Best of luck!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:31 pm
by maddiesmom
Thanks everyone for your replies!

Clough, did your teeth look good enough to be debanded so soon? Just wondering if you noticed things were looking really good or if the doctor had to point it out to you? I still have issues: an extraction gap from 9 months ago (closing SLOWLY), trying to correct my midline (also a slow process) as well as now trying to 'pull a few teeth down' that are too short. All in all it has been slow in my opinion but everytime I see the ortho he does something new and says things look good. Sometimes I wonder if he just tells everyone that to make everyone feel better??

Anyways, if you get a minute tell us more about the 'end stages' and if you suspected it was getting close. Was it a complete surprise?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:37 pm
by aussierob
My treatment started early Feb (2005) and at my last adjustment I was told I'm "a couple more months" from being finished (this will result in a total treatment time of approx 12 months)

Of course my bite is much better and is close to being fully functional but I have to confess to a few feelings of vanity and I'm going to request that treatment continue until some cosmetic improvements are made.

Hopefully your ortho will consider "treatment complete" when the "technical" corrections are complete and you are happy as well! Would not be great to hear "Your teeth are ready when I tell you they're ready!"