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Grown Man With Braces

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:54 am
by BrianMichigan
Hi all,
Ever since I was in high school, I always wanted to have braces, or rather the really straight teeth that come with braces.
I had a gap which I had filled with bonding in college, and have keep it going for the last 30 years. My teeth were about 95% straight - not enough to clearly warrant orthodontic work. However, like so many, I focused on the last 5% and always wanted to have fixed. Recently, my dentist mentioned having some small spaces (food traps) between many of my back teeth closed either orthodontically, or through bonding. I seized on my dentist's recommendation and made a visit to an orthodontist to see about cost and treatment plans. My teeth were generally straight - everything was close to the ideal range except for an overbite on one side in front. The recommendation was Invisalign, but I also had the option of ceramic brackets and metal brackets. The choice for me was easy - traditional metal braces. The treatment was $4,000 (even less when you factor in the medical savings plan) and would last about a year. I had the braces installed a week later. Despite thinking my teeth were pretty straight, the wire was surprisingly crooked.

So far, I've only had two brackets come loose. In this time of Covid, and because of Michigan's mask wearing requirements in public, no one but friends and family have seen my braces.

Pictures to come later.


Re: Grown Man With Braces

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:47 am
by BracedRico
How is your treatment going so far?

Re: Grown Man With Braces

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:12 am
by Karlito
Good luck with your journey.