Lynn from Texas

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Lynn from Texas

#1 Post by Lynn1974 »

Hi! My name is Lynn and I live just oustide of Houston, TX. I'm 29 years-old and I've had braces now for about 6 weeks. My teeth are cosmetically straight and pretty, but I have a deep overbite (the top teeth cover the bottom teeth, though they do not protrude) and I got the braces to correct TMJ. The TMJ was giving me daily headaches and becoming pretty unbearable. :?

The blue rubber spaces were put in and I bit through them in less than 4 hours, so I went back to the orthodontist for the metal ones. I swallowed two of the metal spacers over the following weekend. :shock: Needless to say, it took about 3 weeks for the spacers to work before they could band my molars (and I had to have THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR buttons with the last set of spacers--those were AWFUL and they hurt!).

I had ceramic (clear) brackets put on the top teeth and I am having the metal braces put on the bottom teeth in about 5 months. (Orthodontist has to push the top teeth forward so I don't bump the bottom brackets with my top teeth). It only took about 2 days for my cheeks and lips to become used to the top brackets, (the bottoms could be a whole new story).

When the archwire was put in, it was slightly zig-zagged, in less than 2 weeks, it straightened out perfectly.

The braces feels totally different from how I had imagined! They are much more comfortable than I had anticipated and the brackets seem to follow my lips where they meet, so it's almost as if they are not there.

A lot of people never realized I had them put on until I mentioned it. The clear ones are really not very noticeable. (It even took my mom 20 mins to notice them!).

At my last orthodontic appointment I finally asked if I'd have to wear headgear and the ortho laughed at me and said, "no, you won't need that and we don't use headgear anymore, anyway." hmmmm. He seemed rush or I would have asked what the new methods are.

My only "problems" are these: I can't chew well when I eat so I have to make a conscious effort to chew well before I swallow (sometimes I forget, lol). Also, the bands on the back molars are rough on the inside and I've read on this site that they can be filed, or smoothed out. (I'll find out tomorrow---and have it done. It's tearing my tongue up). Also, flossing is really, really hard!! I had no idea it'd be such a chore.

I will have to have treatment for about 3 years and the total cost is $5000 ($4400 if I had opted for the metal on top and bottom).
~Lynn from Texas...a <i>loooong</i> way to go before my braces are off! :)

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Location: Gtr Manchester, England, UK

#2 Post by Dodger(UK) »

Hi Welcome to the forum, Lynn (another Lynn :wink: :lol: ) your a proven case that even people who seem to have nice and straight teeth can have bite problems, and hopefully your treatment will solve this for you. :D

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