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Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:42 am
by DaniA
I'm 57 and just got braces for the first time ever. I have a couple of molars missing and they are trying to pull them back up (they have fallen almost sideways), then pull them over to fill in the gap, and push the top ones back up to where they should be. My problem is that I literally cannot chew ANYTHING. My top molars were hitting the brackets on my bottom back molars, so they added "some material" so now my molars don't touch AT ALL. So I've been eating soup and other really soft foods that don't require any chewing. I am having a hard time tasting anything either. Anyone else with this problem?

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:46 am
by Prometheus
Diana: Been there, I started at 58 and finished at 62, just over 3 years. I had bite turbos behind my upper two central incisors which serve largely the same purpose as the bit build-ups. My molars did not touch for nearly two years. There is no magic solution to the chewing problem, but you do find ways to adapt over time. It does take a little while, all I can say is hang in there, lots of us have had the same problem! -P

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:44 am
by AndAndAnd
I feel for you. It’s bad at first, but believe me you get used to it after a few weeks. There are a lot of pitfalls to overcome in the first couple of months, and eating is one of them. I eat pretty much anything now.

That ‘material’ you speak of are ‘bite blocks’ or ‘build-ups’ used to help create space for movement. I had a ‘wtf’ moment when I got my brace on, as either my orthodontist forgot to tell me about these blocks or I didn’t hear him. I do remember the first time I had pizza and I thought I could seriously choke on the crust!

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:11 am
by Navygrrl
It will get better eventually. I went from food I could mash with my tongue against the top of my mouth and now I'm eating chicken and pizza (crusts too), although I do have to be more conscientious about how I eat. Nothing like getting my tongue sliced up from the lingual hooks on my molar bands to remind me to eat more carefully. As your teeth move and your bite improves, it will also become easier.

Then again, I've only had these braces for a month, so we'll see what I say once I get more first wire change in a few weeks.

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:15 pm
by Delilahbear
It will get easier. I am 66 and first time in braces (7weeks in). The bite blockers (molar build ups) are a bit of a challenge at first. I keep losing them. About every 3 weeks I am having a new one put on. The last one on the left covers the entire tooth surface and has been much easier to eat with. I lost the right one about 5 days ago and have to wait for a few more days to get it replaced and i am going to insist it is made like the left. Mine are on crowns which make them come off more easily.

I eat most everything but I am considering staying away from nuts as they seem to stick in the brackets more than anything.

Hang in and it will be better.

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:08 pm
by StoneburyMaiden
Congrats on yo braces! I feel yo pain, I just got mine on 2 days ago and they HURT SO BAD LOL. Anyway, I've been trying to blend everything I eat so it's basically liquid and I can just swallow it without chewing. I also have been kind of half chewing food, basically swallowing it whole like a snake. I already have a posterior open bite meaning only my incisors touch anyway, so I'm used to just chewing with those teeth. Anyway good luck, and I hope the pain goes away soon ;__;

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:15 am
by KlaraRobertson
Well this is my first ever post so I hope it actually works. But basically I’ve had my lingual braces (top and bottom) for 3 months now and yes, eating is a nightmare. And yes, even if you do manage some attempt at chewing, it doesn’t taste as tasty as food used to taste! The whole experience is miserable. And every time they change the wire - the misery repeats itself in a new and more miserable way. My tongue is dry and swollen, and frankly I’m at my wits end. Oh and I can’t speak.
I’m a 47 year old, newly married )!) yoga teacher. As you can imagine - this brace is impacting on EVERY aspect of my life 🙁. I feel your pain and wish I had some advice to offer. But all I can offer is my empathy. Good luck xxxx

Re: Can't Chew At All!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:41 pm
by Level75
I was the same and echo the others that it will get better. Partly they wear down so you get a closer bite and partly you get used to them. Some food will be easier than others. I find salad leaves particularly tricky as they are thin but do need chewing. You'll find you adjust what you eat.