My first post, braces at 43

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My first post, braces at 43

#1 Post by fortyplusbraces »

Hi all; I'm a newbie here and I'm looking forward to sharing experiences with members here.

A bit about me:

43 year-old female
Had an old-school palate expander age 9
Had metal braces age 10-12
Wisdom teeth came in in junior high/high school; two were impacted
Wisdom teeth removed at 20
Fillings, fillings, fillings from age 12 to present day
Multiple crowns & root canals late 30s-early 40s
Switched dentists late last year after my last one told me I'd need four crowns replaced; new one was able to save two

My teeth started shifting when I was about 14-15, so they were straight for only a few years post-braces. As soon as my wisdom teeth started pushing on my back molars, my retainers no longer fit. I didn't want to go back to the orthodontist so my parents left it alone. (Bad idea!)

I've had TONS of dental work done as an adult. I have 8 crowns (7 on top, 1 on bottom) and 4 root canals (all on top teeth). I have one tooth that's potentially ankylosed/dead and it'll probably need a crown after all this is done. It's considerably darker than the rest of my teeth. I also have decalcification stains from the first round of braces. They're still there 31 years after the braces were removed. When they said "permanent," they meant it. (If I had a time machine, I'd tell my younger self to take better care of my teeth.)

My clear braces were fitted 7 days ago. All of my incisors & canines are natural. Both of my anterior pre-molars are crowns and I have more crowns on pre-molars & molars than not. Every bracket but the front six (incisors & canines) fell off within 6 days (3 came off on day one). I'm told this isn't uncommon. :huh:

On the plus side, my gums are in great shape (to quote: "fabulous gums!") and my oral hygiene habits are already excellent so I've got that going for me (I LOVE flossing my teeth). I did ask the dentist why my teeth have so much decay despite my best efforts and he told me that if I didn't have such great oral hygiene, I'd already have lost a couple of them. I'm a pro at dental procedures that make most adults shudder, so I'm hoping braces won't be a huge deal. The pain hasn't been too bad. Been eating a lot of soup. On the plus side, I've lost 5lbs since this started because I can't enjoy my favorite snacks anymore.

Sorry for rambling. :tingrin:

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Re: My first post, braces at 43

#2 Post by Speck »

From one newb to another, welcome to the board! :-1




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Re: My first post, braces at 43

#3 Post by Malinan »


I also got ceramic braces for a month ago.
So excited to see the endresults. :tingrin:

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Re: My first post, braces at 43

#4 Post by Mrcf »

To all of you three: all the best on your journey! Hope you will see first results soon. An no more brackets that fall off!
2018.04.25. Extraction of lower incisor
2018.05.07. Lower ceramic braces

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Re: My first post, braces at 43

#5 Post by Gia »

Hi. welcome! I'm almost 2 months in, with 4 crowns (3 lower, 1 upper). I was back within days when brackets came off them, ultimately bought 5 times in 3 weeks. Eventually my orthodontist used what he termed and "old school" method. I think it's silanes. Anyway so far so good on the 2 he recemented with it. 3 are molars but he really wanted to avoid molar bands for some reason. The tech kept assuming he would and would start the set up and he would say "not yet." Right before I left to visit family for Thanksgiving last Monday another came loose. I can't get into fix it till next Friday. I assume he'll use this other prep then as well (it takes a longer to do). I have traditional metal brackets, so don't know if it works the same with ceramic. Good luck with it!

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Re: My first post, braces at 43

#6 Post by kplatt2010 »

Hi There- I went through a period where I had one bracket that kept popping off my back molar. Ortho would glue it back on and it would pop right back off. He finally went old school and put the banded ring on the back tooth and it worked like a charm. I know you went with the clear braces but you can't really see the metal ringed tooth in the back unless you were pointing it out to someone. I say this because I'm not sure they have the clear band rings and perhaps this may be a reason the ortho has not considered the option?? It also requires spacer placement 5-6 days prior which will further delay treatment but something to consider.

Last thought is I know others have posted that special brackets have been applied to their crowns. I have one crown and I think it's the same as the others for myself.
Welcome to the club.

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