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Treatment time reduced from 1.5 years to 3-4 months

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 6:12 pm
by naomi2337
I have taken my teen daughter to a few local orthodontists for an estimate for invisalign treatment.
We have gotten estimates between 18-24 months. The treatment including elastics for minor bite correction and some alignment correction.
We chose one ortho who was actually out of network for us but kindly offered to price match the price of the in network orthodontist. This ortho is very respected in the community.
Today was the fitting day and we went in and realized the treatment has changed from comprehensive (original estimate) to invisalign lite. The ortho said that as he was observing the movement of her teeth, the bite corrected itself with that alone and the elastics were not needed.
This reduced the treatment time to 13 trays, or just a bit over 3 months so this is not not a comprehensive invisalign treatment, instead it is invisalign lite.
I am very stressed about this because no one from the office communicated with us about the change. I just saw "invisalign lite" on the box. We signed the contract for comprehensive treatment. So there should be a price difference of about $1000. Furthermore, I am concerned if any of the treatment is being rushed, and if her teeth will be moved too fast... I am guessing the stress is coming from the lack of communication on their part.
This is a respected orthodontist office and I am surprised that something like this has happened.
I have spoken with the treatment coordinator and she was going to talk to the orthodontist and call me back. I didn't hear back by the end of the day.
I am curious - has something like this ever happened to anyone? Is it concerning to have the treatment time so drastically reduced? And not have it communicated to us?
My worry is that after the office offered us a discount (to match the in network ortho) that they maybe shortened the treatment time so they don't lose as much money?