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First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:44 am
by Odin
Day 2 for an older newbie with Invisalign. Any recommendations or tips for the first few weeks and getting familiar with Invisalign? Thanks!

Re: First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:05 pm
by liner
I am 52 and heading towards the end of my journey with invisalign.
I have less than 2 months to go. I am in the refinement stage.

Basically I can tell you that it's pretty easy.
You may be slightly sore when you put your new aligners in, but nothing too bad.
If you find that your aligner is digging into the inside of your mouth, you can get a nail file and file down a bit and this will stop the poking.

DO you have accelerant?
I highly recommend it. You use it for 20 minutes a day. I usually do it lying in bed in the morning after my alarm goes off.
With accelerant you can change aligners every 5 days, but speak with your ortho.
This has really sped up my time in aligners.

Try and keep the aligners in for as much of the day as you can.
And don't feel bad if you want to take them out for a meeting or a few drinks or dinner with friends or family.
I try my best to keep them in for 22+ hours a day, but there were some days I kept them out a little longer

Overall, you made the right choice and you will not regret it.
Only one person noticed that I had them or maybe others did but didn't say anything, not sure.
They really are not very noticeable and if you feel self conscious, then just don't talk too close to people....hope this helps...

Re: First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:06 pm
by liner
I am 52 and heading towards the end of my journey with invisalign.
I have less than 2 months to go. I am in the refinement stage.

Basically I can tell you that it's pretty easy.
You may be slightly sore when you put your new aligners in, but nothing too bad.
If you find that your aligner is digging into the inside of your mouth, you can get a nail file and file down a bit and this will stop the poking.

DO you have accelerant?
I highly recommend it. You use it for 20 minutes a day. I usually do it lying in bed in the morning after my alarm goes off.
With accelerant you can change aligners every 5 days, but speak with your ortho.
This has really sped up my time in aligners.

Try and keep the aligners in for as much of the day as you can.
And don't feel bad if you want to take them out for a meeting or a few drinks or dinner with friends or family.
I try my best to keep them in for 22+ hours a day, but there were some days I kept them out a little longer

Overall, you made the right choice and you will not regret it.
Only one person noticed that I had them or maybe others did but didn't say anything, not sure.
They really are not very noticeable and if you feel self conscious, then just don't talk too close to people....hope this helps...

Re: First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:07 pm
by liner
I am 52 and heading towards the end of my journey with invisalign.
I have less than 2 months to go. I am in the refinement stage.

Basically I can tell you that it's pretty easy.
You may be slightly sore when you put your new aligners in, but nothing too bad.
If you find that your aligner is digging into the inside of your mouth, you can get a nail file and file down a bit and this will stop the poking.

DO you have accelerant?
I highly recommend it. You use it for 20 minutes a day. I usually do it lying in bed in the morning after my alarm goes off.
With accelerant you can change aligners every 5 days, but speak with your ortho.
This has really sped up my time in aligners.

Try and keep the aligners in for as much of the day as you can.
And don't feel bad if you want to take them out for a meeting or a few drinks or dinner with friends or family.
I try my best to keep them in for 22+ hours a day, but there were some days I kept them out a little longer

Overall, you made the right choice and you will not regret it.
Only one person noticed that I had them or maybe others did but didn't say anything, not sure.
They really are not very noticeable and if you feel self conscious, then just don't talk too close to people....hope this helps...

Re: First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:46 pm
by Odin
Wow. Very helpful and I greatly appreciate the advice. No not using accelerate. Will research and check with my dentist. Love the idea of doing this quicker. Just finishing up 24 hours so your words of encouragement mean a lot. Agree I was surprised today people did not notice when I asked them. Thanks much!!

Re: First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:57 am
by Speck
I recommend becoming efficient with the extra oral hygiene involved with Invisalign. I estimate spending around 304.5 hours additional time brushing, flossing, managing aligners, etc., over the course of treatment. That's 12.6875 days!

AcceleDent costs what, around $1000.00? Kinda pricey on top of an already costly treatment...

Re: First few days advice. Journey started yesterday

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:03 pm
by liner
sorry that my post, posted a few times.