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Invisalign and extractions

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:26 pm
by sweetcynic
I'm getting 2 upper premolar extractions prior to my treatment of 18 months of invisalign followed by 6 months of braces. Obviously this is a question for my ortho, but how long before starting did you get the extractions? Did the aligners affect your healing process in any way?

Re: Invisalign and extractions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:55 am
by DrJasonKTam
sweetcynic wrote:I'm getting 2 upper premolar extractions prior to my treatment of 18 months of invisalign followed by 6 months of braces. Obviously this is a question for my ortho, but how long before starting did you get the extractions? Did the aligners affect your healing process in any way?
With Invisalign, generally extractions are either done:

1. before your take your impression/scan, and allowing healing of the exo site.
2. a few days before you insert your aligners, probably 5-6 weeks after impression/scan

There may be variations depending on your doctors treatment plan.

Re: Invisalign and extractions

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:45 pm
by xkiwitatty
I had 4 wisdom teeth removed after I got my first set of trays.

I got my scans and impressions before my extractions and I started Invisalign on the 19th of Dec and wore them up until the day of the surgery, which was 23rd of Dec. My oral surgeon said to keep it off until the post-op check up appointment to see if the extraction sites are healing up well. (I listened to him because I didn't want to risk causing any dry sockets/infections/irritation to the area since I'm a big baby when it comes to pain lol) If needed, they could cut the trays for me. He said it was okay to keep them off since I had not advance to the next set yet. I didn't get attachments on the first trays either.

Since the extraction sites were healing up well, I put them back in on the day of the post-op check up and then the next day got my second trays + my attachments and have been wearing them since. No irritation to the gums and no issues to the healing! Just be sure to talk to your oral surgeon about your Invisalign. If you're still uncomfortable about wearing the aligners, keep them off until you feel comfortable putting them back on!

Good Luck!