invisalign and overbite

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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invisalign and overbite

#1 Post by playdoughpiglet »

I still have an overbite after treatment. My ortho did not suggest elastics...are elastics of overbites? What would you suggest I do? Should I continue with inviaslign or ask to do regular ceramic braces?

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Re: invisalign and overbite

#2 Post by KUMonkeyMomma »

I had both an overbite and an overjet (buck teeth). I had traditional braces as a teen, in which they removed one molar from each side on top to make room to bring my teeth back as far as possible. At the time I was told that because of jaw size/structure, they couldn't entirely get rid of the overbite without doing dental surgery to remove a small section of the jawbone on each side, etc - which I was not willing to do. I did elastics and headgear with those. So I got rid of the crooked teeth and overjet and probably 3/4 of the overbite. Well back then (early 80's) they only advised to wear the night retainer for 2-3 years, which I did but then promptly ditched it. Well between then and a couple years ago my teeth had mostly moved back to their original positions - overbite/overjet, some crooked, etc.

So I decided to get invisalign. I was told the same that they could get rid of the overjet and crooked teeth and some of the overbite, but not all without doing some jaw surgery first, which I still am not and never will be willing to do. I did not have elastics with invisalign but I have heard of some that did have them for overbite - perhaps because my overbite is more because of the size/structure of my jaw and they knew movement was limited got proper movement with just the trays. I'm done with my treatment and I'm happy with my result - a slight overbite still but no overjet and my teeth are straight and even (I had some shaping/bonding done at the end to make 2 front teeth longer as they had gotten chipped as a youngster and never fixed), etc.

So from my experience I would have to say that it all depends on the shape/size and structure of the upper jaw/bones. Just like anything else there is only so much that can be done in some cases. My mom had the same overbite and hers was corrected by shaving some of the bone off when she got her dentures many many years ago.

It definitely couldn't hurt to ask your provider if the overbite could be taken care of with invisalign refinement trays or traditional braces and see what they say. In my case traditional braces wouldn't have done a whole lot more for the cost to be worth it.

Good luck!
Started treatment 9/2/09
Treatment finished 4/27/11

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Re: invisalign and overbite

#3 Post by playdoughpiglet »

Yes I had surgery but it relapsed. Now doing invisalign still 4mm or less overbite. Not sure if invisalign will correct it. Don't want to do surgery again no way.

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Re: invisalign and overbite

#4 Post by Wireless »

If your jaw is a problem, you're dealing with a complex case. I also have a bit problem related to jaw shape and am being treated with Invisalign and partial clear retainers. My doc is not going for a 100 percent correction, but rather trying to get my teeth positioned where a third relapse will be more unlikely. I was told at the start my condition would be very difficult to correct and even more difficult to hold in place afterwards.

When you talk to your doc about treatment options, also ask how much correction can be achieved in your case. It may not be 100%. My last treatment 20 years ago was done by a dentist who went for 100% using extrusion. Afterwards, normal jaw forces and nightime clenching and grinding pushed my rear teeth back down into their sockets. The resulting positions were worse than before my last treatment and I ended up with a painful condition where my lower teeth cut into my upper gums.

I personally did not want Invisalign and felt regular braces would be best for my case. However, because of pre-existing conditions I had to go the Invisalign route. Treatment has been long - now up to 2 1/2 years, but I'm very close to where I need to be. My doc hasn't yet discussed retainer options yet, but it sounds like something special will be needed to keep from forcing my rear teeth back in again. Invisalign can work for deep bites when used creatively. I'm not sure how it would work only using regular trays.

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Re: invisalign and overbite

#5 Post by bracesat29 »

This does sound like a much more complex case than this treatment can fix. Ortho has come a long way, and it might be time to rethink your treatment options. I know everyone hates surgery, but it could be the long term fix that you are looking for. It seems like I see a lot of people who are constantly battling with braces, of any kind, and then having to revisit treatment later. Also, for complex cases there are permanent retainer options that could make your life much easier and prevent future braces.
Can anyone recommend any Indianapolis dentists? PM me!

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