Lower jaw surgery! 420/Wired/Screws/arch bars q’s

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Lower jaw surgery! 420/Wired/Screws/arch bars q’s

#1 Post by SadBrokenJaw »

This is going to be a large post but I would really appreciate any responses from anyone who has been through a similar situation! Please answer as many or as few questions as you’d like!! (:

Hello everyone!! :D I am very new here. I hope to be posting often. Just a brief back story so that you may be able to better assist me, and then my q’s:
On Friday, 04/06/2018, I had my mouth wired shut. This was only after my lower jaw had already been broken for a week, so the last day of March it was broken in an accident (I’m extremely lucky to say the least. Im a very small girl and they say if the collision of the item was any lower I would be paralyzed, and any higher I would be dead.) My lower jaw was broken in two places (CLEAN BREAKS!! WOO!!), right below my canine tooth on the left side, and where my wisdom teeth grow on my right side. Sorry I don’t know proper terms for these areas, if there are any haha. It’s been three days now and my swelling is at its peak I believe. Now on to my questions!

1. Any advice on cleaning the back of my bottom teeth?? :0 Or am I out of luck? Ive been doing salt water rinses but it doesn’t do very much. I’ve been drinking semi thick smoothies and shakes as it’s the best way to get my nutrients (any other vegans on here with a wired jaw?? Haha). I feel like the teeth are just caked with s#!t!! I ordered a water pick but I just don’t think that’s gonna do the job for them.

2. My surgery included arch bars, screws in my upper and lower jaw to adhere the arch bars, and wires so my jaw is immobile. It was done under IV sedation, so I was not asleep and felt EVERYTHING (although they told me I wouldn’t feel a thing). Is getting the screws removed as painful as getting them in?? Should I have them put me to sleep for it or do iv sedation again?? I’m not afraid of the iv sedation if it’s going to be less painful.

3. When should I expect to get my wires off, generally? My surgeon hasn’t communicated with me much. He’s a very busy man and I‘m not upset about his lack of communication, as he’s one of the top in our area. I know they say 4-6wks healing time, but should I expect to get my wires off then? Or would I get them off any sooner and move to bands?

4. On one of the screws I’ve noticed there is a white coating over top. I’m scared of this being infection. I’ve tried rinsing it to no avail. I’m on antibiotic 3x a day. My surgeon said that my skin may grow over the screws. Should I be stressed out about this or is it normal??

5. Pain... I’ve stopped taking my pain med, which is liquid oxy. It doesn’t really do much for me, plus I’m feeling a TONNNN better, only on day 3. Is 420 an option for my pain or a big no no at this point in time? I can suck through a straw as there are no incisions and I would more than likely be vaping it, so it’s much cleaner I’d say.

Like I said, I know this was a bit lengthy, but I truly do appreciate any time or effort anyone makes to reply to me! I am extremely grateful for you reviewing my post

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