Post-Op Bone Healing

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Post-Op Bone Healing

#1 Post by tylerjwilson »

I had my 3 piece lefort 1 almost 3 months ago, one more week will make it 3 months. For those that don't know, its basically separating the maxilla (upper) into 3 sections and screwing them into place. I've had 3 orthodontic adjustments so far, nothing too terrible. It took about 1.5-2 months post-op until I could start to mush things with my side teeth on the top without too much discomfort. My front 4 teeth (which is its own section in the surgery) still does not feel right at all. Maybe it's just not fusing the bone as quick as the side teeth did, but it's making me nervous. The last thing I want to do is have to go back in for surgery again. From what I've read on here, most people say after 3 months you start to feel somewhat back to normal, but I on the other hand, get a lot of what feels like swelling under my nose and upper lip as well as discomfort after while as I go throughout the day doing activities...nothing too physical, just walking around, doing whatever it is life has be doing that day.

It still feels like someone punched me right in the middle of the nose. Is it common for the front section in a 3 piece lefort to take longer to heal? It's still pretty numb on the roof of my mouth, more toward the front teeth. I can stick my tongue straight up and feel all of that fine, but get a varied sensation when I touch the front section. The upper gums are still very numb as well, not too concerned if that ever comes back, but I can feel myself touching it. I'm more concerned about the front 4 teeth jaw bone not fusing together like it should. I can feel a lot of pressure like I did on the side sections if I push my tongue upward on the front teeth.

I don't have any follow-up appointments with the surgeon, he said only if needed and to email him pictures when all the orthodontic work is done. He's a truly genuine guy, I trust that he would tell me if I had a need to be concerned about anything. He made it sound like 8 weeks post-op, I should be back to normal with eating...clearly not the case.

Anyone else have any advice, anything to calm me down? At what point should I be concerned, if I even should be? I realize it's only been 3 months, but I feel as if I haven't noticed any changes within the past month, other than what the orthodontist has been doing.

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