The oddities of everafter (an effervescent post on results)

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The oddities of everafter (an effervescent post on results)

#1 Post by Arvensis »

So I should be working, but this post has been rambling around in my head for a while and I should probably just get it out there. As those of you who recall my posts back in January about no one recognizing will recall, my changes were rather, shall we say, drastic because of the accompanying nose and sinus issues addressed via a septo-rhinoplasty during my upper jaw surgery.

Now, I'm nearing a whole semester of distance from surgery - I'm less than 2 weeks away from getting the braces off, less than 6 weeks away from finishing law school, and less than 4 months away from starting my professional career brace and breathing problem free.

I want to talk about the psychological impact of such surgery. I can't be the only one experiencing this; if I am, I'm horrified and annoyed at myself.

You see, I love my new face. I walk past mirrors and I do a double take. My own mother has started calling me vain (but that's okay, because she's kinda a hypocrite - spends 25 years trying to get me to take my appearance more seriously, then the last 4 months chiding me for staring at the mirrors now). I know I posted before about waiting to have surgery because when I was 15 and everyone in the dental world kept telling me I was aesthetically incorrect because of my jaw deficiency, and thinking if I couldn't find someone to love me for the face I had, I didn't want to be loved, and then I did at 21 and we've been married for 4 years and blah blah blah.

It's all rubbish. I LOVE my new face. And I don't know if it's chewing, or breathing, or balance that has been improved, or some combination thereof, or the fact that I no longer share a nose similar to Severus Snape's, or what, but I didn't even realize that before all this, I didn't FEEL as confident as I could have. I didn't even realize it. I used to dismiss other people's dismissals as, oh, my personality, or oh, I'm just not in the same realm as, or oh, whatever. I'm not even sure this makes sense. Granted, I wouldn't go through any of this had my bite not been off, the nose and sinuses not been off, etc etc, but...

I have gone dancing four times this spring. I now LOVE dancing. I dance like I just don't give a sesame... and I don't. I don't care. I feel great, I enjoy it, and I feel confident doing so. I see people react to me differently, I see myself reacting differently, thinking differently.

I swear to god, I am not joking, but this whole department at my future work who I never hit it off with (NOT the department I am going to) is now suddenly my new best friend... you know, that section at work that has a fratty feel to it, the good ol' boy network? I'm in it now. It's freaky. And, on two separate occasions, mind you this is in the first few months after surgery, I've caught some guy literally sticking his head out the window of his truck to turn and look at me (this is so machoismo Texas to me, it kills me).

I'm not even sure if it's that I'm more "attractive" after, as much as it is that I will never again have to go to a new dentist and listen to their schpeal on how I should have jaw surgery or what the hell did my orthodontist do to me as a child to have this be the end result. It's knowing I'm done, that I'm "normal" now, that I won't be judged for it any more.

Someone mentioned in another post (I forget where) about how this surgery is much more influential on our lives than say just plain braces, because we continue to talk about it months and months before and after. That's so true, and I think it's because we are changing something we've seen every day, and like it or not, have been judged on every day. It's like waking up and someone says "OH! just kidding! You've looked just like your father for the last 25 years, but you had some hidden glamour on you and this is what you REALLY look like!"... At least, that's how I feel. It's odd, but I think the face I see in the mirror now is more like the image of myself I saw in day dreams than my original face was. That's fundamentally freaky, if you think about it.

So, for all of you, wherever you are in the process, wherever it is taking you, or will take you, or has taken you, I wish you luck. May your end result allow you to dance like you don't care who is watching, and may you be called vain by your hypocritical mothers as well for enjoying and knowing the face that you look at in the mirror. May you like your face as much as I like mine.

/end rant. :)
[8 Months, 4 days with Braces]
Braces off 4/17/2008 - Rockstar!


Before and After.

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#2 Post by ohmyjaw »

I had only a subtle change - nobody can tell that I had anything done, except me, and my mom. And I had to point out to her what was different. I actually was a bit bummed about the change - I thought my "improved" chin looked too weak, and I missed the little quirks that my face had. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I had to get new passport photos. I put the new photo next to the old one, from about 5 years ago, and I realized I look MUCH better now. That stupid mug-shot was a revelation. And, how many people get to look at a an old photo of themselves and remark that they look better now, than they did five years ago?

But, the reason I did this was for my teeth. I actually got my braces off a week ago, and it is amazing. Way better than I envisioned. And it feels so good to have a straight, smooth row of teeth. I have never wanted to change anything else about myself; I am perfectly happy with my weight, my hair, my nose, etc. It was just my teeth. So, now I feel complete.

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#3 Post by loulou123 »

Great post Arvensis. :D

Its really inspired me that i will look better when all this is over. As i did it soley for my teeths good and any cosmetic benefit was a bonus, i didnt even consider that the outcome would intially be worse. I know its early days but at the moment im not liking my new face :roll:

But even with all the swelling i can see, that my profile view is much better and my teeth look great. Like you ill enjoy the day when i can see a new dentist and the first thing they say isnt about how i should have had braces as a child.

Glad your so pleased with the outcome. :lol:


Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#4 Post by Happysmiler »

Wow Arvensis, I'm so glad you took the time to write this post!

As a Metal Mouth member who is pre surgery, I am getting nearer and nearer to a surgery date and of course I have all of the worries and doubts that go with that. Reading your post has made me feel really excited about the forthcoming surgery and how different I will feel afterwards.

I am looking forward to having teeth that work properly, but most of all, I can't wait to get rid of my underbite which I have hated all of my life. I know exactly what you mean about wanted to be 'normal'. I think when you dislike something so much about yourself it HAS to make you less confident and I can totally relate to all that you wrote.

I'm so, so pleased that you are delighted with your new looks and that the timing has worked out well for the start of your professional career.

You go ahead and look in those mirrors as much as you want to - you deserve it!!




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#5 Post by dubnobass »

I'm not sure I can say that the surgery had so much impact on me. My self-esteem pre-braces and pre-surgery was already rock-bottom because I used to be fat. I had braces put on a month after starting weightwatchers, and so in my time with braces I've gone from a UK size 16-18 to a UK size 10. To me, my weightloss has done a lot more to boost my self-esteem than my braces and surgery, but then my teeth never bothered me that much anyway.

My profile is better now, I suppose - I have a more prominent chin and a longer face, but my assymetry hasn't really been totally corrected as in my case it seems it was assymetric in all dimensions, not just length. This means my lower jaw is still a different shape on both sides after the chop. if anything, it's more obvious now than ever because it sits that bit further foward that it used to!

I don't regret it, but I don't think it's improved my confidence much. Mind you, I still hate the way my braces look and cover my mouth with a hand when I smile - still!- after almost 3 years in the things.

I suppose this fulfilled one of my expectations - as someone who wasn't really all that bothered by the 'before', I have not been all that wowed by the 'after'.
Braced May 2005
Bimaxillary surgery Aug 2007
Debraced Jun 2008

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#6 Post by Daveyboy »

It's odd, but I think the face I see in the mirror now is more like the image of myself I saw in day dreams than my original face was.
That's pretty much exactly how I feel too! It is a very odd feeling, but it's almost like I never felt "comfortable" in my old face.... it didn't "feel" like me. But not I feel like I look like myself... if that makes sense.

Only problem that I have is that I desperately need to put on weight. I took a look at some old photos from when I was about 22, and even with my old recessive jaw, my face looked a lot better as it was full. For various reasons (braces included) I'm now pretty skinny and my face probably isn't the better for it. I'm now 5 weeks post op and have only just started chewing very soft stuff..... but i've made a commitment to myself to put on weight as much as I can whilst i've still got the braces, and then at the very least get back to the weight that I used to be.

It's a very weird thing... but to feel simply comfortable in yourself is something that makes you feel very confident and at ease, and it's only when you have a big change like this does i make you think about it!

As per most people, I started this journey as my bite was.... well... appalling! Getting this fixed was my main aim, which i'm now close to achieving and I think that when I get de-braced this will probably have an even bigger impact and a great sense of achievement.

Dave :D

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#7 Post by kaycee »

Thanks Arvensis for such a wonderful post.

I too am pre-surgery and my ortho keeps telling me how pleased I will be with the end result. I not sure how I'll look, well I can look at my brothers and sisters and kind of guess, but I'll know for sure that I am no longer being judged on the part of me that I know is the most unattractive. I mean I started this journey to straighten my teeth and correct my bite, the surgery and its cosmetic benefits were not part of my initial decision. But once I saw how my chin would be corrected as a result of the surgery I became excited. This face I have lived with for 47 years can be fixed and in all that time I never realized that it was something that could be changed.

Thanks for your support.


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#8 Post by Andantae »

Serendipity & beyond! I am so happy for you, Avensis!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#9 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I feel exactly the same way! Maybe not quite as much, as I had pretty good self esteem before hand. But it has changed how I feel about myself and I'm definitely very happy with the end results. I too find myself looking in the mirror a lot lately. I I'm so amazed that a chin can make such a difference. I love my new smile too. I decided that for my one year anniversary I'm going to send my oral surgeon a very nice thank you letter, describing much of what you listed in your post, as well as a copy of my photo's from beginning til 1 year. He only has young kids in his surgery portfolio and I think he needs an older person. I know it would've helped me feel better about things if I had seen someone my age who had had good results.

Anyway...I totally get what you are saying and I have to say Ditto for me too!


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#10 Post by chrisk »

I think I have to agree with Arvensis here too. At 19 months post-op, I love my new look. I am brimming with confidence now, and no longer hide my laugh behind my hand. This lifetime habit took me quite a while to break - and a few reminders from good friends that I didn't need to do that anymore.

Getting my braces was just the start of finding more confidence in myself. I was pleased to be doing something to fix my horrendous 15mm overjet. This increased again after having my surgery, and after I got my braces off my confidence again increased.

I'm still not sure if I like my new smile - it seems a bit cheesy, instead of being al teeth and gums, but my profile and face shape has improved so much, I'm rapt. People that I haven't seen for a few years (and don't know really well) are unsure if it is me, and everybody has said that I look fantastic.
I love being able to eat corn on the cob without leaving three quarters of it behind, I love being able to chew food properly, and I love that I can look after my teeth so much better now. I love not being asked by the kindy, pre-primary and years 1-3 children that I teach as a relief teacher (substitute or supply teacher) why do my teeth stick out, or while I was in braces what are those on your teeth?

I went into the surgery for an improvement in my bite and dental health with the cosmetic improvements a bonus. I got all of these and despite still having numbness issues in my lower chin, and top teeth, I wish I had done it 10 years ago.

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#11 Post by tortor »

wow, what an amazing post!!!

you give me such inspiration. this is (almost) my 4th month in braces and let me tell you, i've hit rock bottom.

my whole life, my self esteem has been close to nothing. my underbite makes me feel like the ugliest thing in the world. i avoid mirrors and i avoid that "frat" scene that you mentioned. getting my braces on made things even worse.

but, your post has given me hope!! i cant wait to be able to look in the mirror and like what i see, and i cant wait to NOT be labeled "aesthetically unpleasing" or be told that i have a "skeletal DEFORMITY".

its so frusterating to be told that i shouldnt care so much about the way i look, or that i shouldnt focus on the comestic part of this process. Yes, i do suffer from alot of pain in my jaw and trouble eating but looks is a huge part of it and i think that is true for many people.

i hope that i too will get the great results that you and many others on this board have gotten. i know that in the end this whole process will be very worth it! :D

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