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Bite ramps causing my teeth to tilt in more?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:42 am
by UCarter
Hi guys, I am new here and new to braces. I am currently 3 months into my 2 year treatment plan. I had a severe deep bite which is currently be fixed with braces, elastics, and anterior bite ramps. 3 months in, my top and bottom teeth can pretty much touch on my right side and almost touch on my left side. The only problem is that my front teeth (which were already tilted to the back of my mouth) are tilting a little more which is suspect is a result of me biting down in front of my bite turbos and putting pressure on my front teeth, thus moving them back. Is this normal? How will my ortho make my teeth un-tilted?

Also, my molars (the ones with the rubber bands attached) are starting to tilt inwards as well...