can elastic rubber bands balance higher occlusion on one side?

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can elastic rubber bands balance higher occlusion on one side?

#1 Post by doothat »


Here for the first time. I'm at the last stages of my treatment, it's been almost 2.5 years since i've started.

I always feel my left molars contact first, they fell higher and apply more force than the right side. I'm experienceing almost every tmj issue.
Last month, i got triangular rubber bands for my maxillar 5, mandibular 5-6 for both sides. I tried so hard not to remove them except for eating but my record is just a week. Its efficency curve is not climbing upwards. First it feels good and seems to balance my tmj without contacts, not my bite, my left bite still feels higher. i am not disturbed with pain around moving teeth or sth like that. But if i insist on using it for longer time, my nausea emerges, i sweat heaviliy, experience runny nose, brain fog, increased tinnitus and realize that my dental arch gets narrower, mandibular incisors touch with maxillar incisors. If i insist on using elastics despite this issues, a pain on left temporal emerges too. My orthodontist does not comply with my uneven molar touch and approach all these effects as pyschological issues.

I'm just about to get my other implants to those open regions, but one of my already done implant space is so narrow that i don't even know how they will place a crown over that implant. With all these imbalances and not so healthy alveolar bone activation due to uneven force, i'm a little hesitant that these elastics can solve these problems alone. Of course i got my braces with some coil springs also .

Do you think my prosthodontist spam do extra stuff to even my bite with prosthetic touchs after my orthodontist pass me to her? I feel the need for those types of touches actually, i dont think elastics alone can balance my bite alone. Curious about your thoughts, thanks.

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Re: can elastic rubber bands balance higher occlusion on one side?

#2 Post by doothat »

Could not find edit button, so reposting with spell checks.


Here for the first time. I'm at the last stages of my treatment, it's been almost 2.5 years since i've started.

I always feel my left molars contact first, i feel them higher and apply more force than the right side. I'm experiencing almost every tmj issue.
Last month, i got triangular rubber bands for my maxillar 5, mandibular 5-6 for both sides. I tried so hard not to remove them except for eating but my record is just a week. Its efficency curve is not climbing upwards. First it feels good and seems to provide horizontal balance without contacts, but not my bite, my left bite still feels higher. i am not disturbed with pain around moving teeth or sth like that. But if i insist on using it for longer time, my nausea emerges, i sweat heaviliy, experience runny nose, brain fog, increased tinnitus and realize that my dental arch gets narrower, mandibular incisors touch with maxillar incisors. If i insist on using elastics despite this issues, a pain on left temporal emerges too. My orthodontist does not comply with my uneven molar touch and approach all these effects as pyschological issues.

I'm just about to get my other implants to those open regions, but one of my already done implant space is so narrow that i don't even know how they will place a crown over that implant. With all these imbalances and not so healthy alveolar bone activation due to uneven force, i'm a little hesitant that these elastics can solve these problems alone. Of course i got my braces with some coil springs also .

Do you think my prosthodontist can do extra stuff to even my bite with prosthetic touchs after my orthodontist pass me to her? I feel the need for those types of touches actually, i dont think elastics alone can balance my bite alone. Curious about your thoughts, thanks.

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Re: can elastic rubber bands balance higher occlusion on one side?

#3 Post by djspeece »

It sounds as though stress is contributing to your situation, e.g., nausea, brain fog, and so forth. The fundamental question is about your molars -- you feel there is some sort of problem with the right and left sides not coming together in a normal sort of way, and it creates stress for you (but no pain, it seems.) You'll definitely need to follow the plan with your elastics -- my bite was messed up for nearly the entire three years I wore braces! It seems I needed to learn a new way to eat nearly every month. Beyond that, I can't really comment since I am not a dentist or an ortho. I am not sure about the prosthodentist approach -- is this part of the ortho's plan, or is this something you are doing on your own? Perhaps a consultation with another ortho is in order. It might not be a bad idea to consult with a therapist for ways to deal with your stress. Best of luck to you.

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