How long before they put on your lower brace?

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How long before they put on your lower brace?

#1 Post by ladybear28 »

Impatient newbie here!

I've had my top (self-ligating) brace on for a grand total of 4 weeks (ha!) and I'm due to have my first check-up in a week's time.

I've seen a pretty impressive amount of movement already; should I be preparing to have my bottom brackets put on soon?

How long was it for you before they put on your lower braces; and how different from the top does it feel?

I've heard people say the lower jaw is much more painful, so I'm both excited (as that's where my worst overcrowding is) and pretty nervous....

Thanks in advance!

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Re: How long before they put on your lower brace?

#2 Post by assertives »

I think it depends on what your bite is like before you got your braces and how fast your teeth moves. Personally, I got my lower ones 2 or 3 weeks after my top ones. My top and bottom teeth were not really in conflict though. My coworker who went to the same ortho as me got her lower ones first and then several months later, got the top ones.

As for how they felt, I would say they feel about the same, but it's definitely more challenging for me to floss and the bottom ones than the top because of the smaller sized bottom teeth.

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Re: How long before they put on your lower brace?

#3 Post by vampirefangs22 »

I got my lower ones a few months before the upper ones. As for the pain, the upper ones were more painful to me.

Lower braces - Halloween 2019
Upper braces - January 9th, 2020
Debonded since May 4th, 2023

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