Jagged and uneven molars after shaving.

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Jagged and uneven molars after shaving.

#1 Post by worriedteeth »

Hey all,
I've had braces since early January, after getting them on my orthodontist put a hard white putty like substance onto the bottom of my top molars as he said it was needed to keep my top teeth from touching my bottom bracket. I was told it would come off in a few months and when it didn't he said that he would have to use a dremel bit (the only name I know it as, spins quickly and shaves the tooth) to get it off, and proceeded to shave it off the bottom of my tooth. During this process he shaved off points of my molars as well leaving my points uneven, and over time the pressure of the new points affected my bottom molars and grinded into them and in an attempt to fix it he shaved off more of my top molars and now my teeth are not only noticably shorter but jagged and uncomfortable. I've explained this to him and was told it looks fine and not to worry but I feel this is his just brushing it off. I've included a link to labeled images of both teeth and although there are no before I feel the damage done to the first tooth is easily noticeable. If anyone has gone through a similar experience or has any advice it would be greatly appreciated, thanks


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Re: Jagged and uneven molars after shaving.

#2 Post by djspeece »

I'm not a dental professional (thank god) but I find it hard to believe that the ortho would not be able to tell when he was drilling into a tooth vs. the build-up material. My only comparison would be when grinding out caulking, you can tell immediately when you get to the wood. Do you have "before" pictures for comparison? I couldn't tell from the ones you posted, as they are only the "after" pictures. Without an actual comparison, it might be possible that you are overestimating how much tooth was actually lost. It's also possible that any discomfort now is due to the absence of the build-up, and not the tooth size. But what do I know. I do think it warrants further discussion with your ortho so that you fully understand the situation. Best of luck to you.

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