Braces deep bite?

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Braces deep bite?

#1 Post by Liftandlaugh »

Hello everyone,

I visited the orthodontist a few days ago. I am 23 now and never had braces because I was bullied in high school and didn't want to make myself even more of a targer (yeah, I know, stupid but what can you do). My dentist also never referred me. The orthodontist told me I have a deep bite (7 mm). I also have an overjet but because my upperlip has pushed my teeth in a little it is not noticable (2mm). My orthodontist said yhat aesthetically there was not much we can improve on because my teeth are straight and in a nice row. The deep bite is not traumatic and does not give me any complaints except for that I don't like my smile. If we were to treat the deep bite my overjet would become pronounced and increase to 5-6 mm. In any case we would have to remove my upper wisdom teeth (still under the bone) to create space. The options he gave me:
1. Brackets with forsus springs to try and minimize the overjet to an acceptable 4 mm. He also said that this has the most potential to relapse

2. Brackets and extraction of two molars to create space to push my upper teeth back.

3. Brackets and jaw surgery. We both feel that this is not a good option because there is nothing wrong with my profile.

4. A distalizer for 6 months to push my upper teeth back to create space and then brackets for 2 years. This is the most expensive one 3800 euros.

5. Do nothing and get a splint to wear at night to prevent damage from grinding and clencing overnight.

What do you guys think?

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