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Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:14 am


#1 Post by lilycharlotte »

Hello everyone!
Hope everyone is well.

Does anyone know any orthodontics in the UK that can and will re open extraction spaces, expand the upper jaw and put in a fake tooth?

I had orthodontic treatment end 7 years ago. 2 teeth from one side were extracted for this treatment. I was unhappy with the results right away. But after confronting my orthodontics they told me that my teeth were functional and the treatment went well. I got a second opinion and they said to improve symmetry I would have to have more teeth extracted which I did not want.

Basically, I have been left with an uncomfortable bite. My jaw clicks most the time when I open and close my mouth. My tongue does not fit in my mouth well. I feel aesthetically my face has been changed. And I am very conscious of the unsymmetrical smile I have been given. I am more unhappy with how it looks then when I had slightly wonky teeth before the treatment.

Any information on places in the UK and costs would be helpful

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