2.5 weeks and my teeth still don't hurt

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2.5 weeks and my teeth still don't hurt

#1 Post by almost40 »

It seems to me it's the norm for there to be quite a bit of pain and discomfort after getting braces on, but honestly, apart from getting used to the brackets against my mouth, I feel some pressure but no pain. I certainly have the feeling of instability with my teeth so I can't bite anything with confidence, but no pain. I'm worried that the wire isn't doing much because it's not hurting. My ortho was surprised as well considering I'm 40 years old. Anyone else experience this?

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Re: 2.5 weeks and my teeth still don't hurt

#2 Post by wendydong »

i didn't really have any pain in the first 3,4 months.. i have had pain on some particular teeth on and off in the last month or so.. but no real pain in my overall mouth

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Re: 2.5 weeks and my teeth still don't hurt

#3 Post by AndAndAnd »

Same here for me, no pain whatsoever after any appointment over the last year (and I am a similar age). I guess we are lucky! It doesn’t mean your teeth are not shifting.

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Re: 2.5 weeks and my teeth still don't hurt

#4 Post by djspeece »

I don't think pain is necessary with teeth movement. Of course, you realize you have just jinxed yourself :wink: . I did not have any pain from the first wire either, my discomfort was from my cheeks rubbing against the brackets. I recall the technician asking me how my pain was, and actually seemed a bit disappointed that I was not suffering more. That changed when the ortho added powerchains and elastics later in the treatment --then the first few days after an appointment were uncomfortable -- not horrible, just unrelenting minor aggravation, like a bad ex-wife (or husband, I suppose) :lol: . Best of luck to you!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: 2.5 weeks and my teeth still don't hurt

#5 Post by susnrob »

I'm 36 and 4 months into ortho treatment. I experience quite a bit of pain after my braces were put on and after my first adjustment that lasted about a week. In comparison my 10 year old daughter is typically only sore for about 2 days. My second adjustment was very minor (same wire and just a short power chain on bottom left) and I had very little pain....so nice!

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