Braces at 34 due to impacted canine.

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Braces at 34 due to impacted canine.

#1 Post by zaraah »

Hello, I'm a 34 year old brace face. I finally decided to get braces after all these years. One of the main reasons I finally took the plunge was of my baby tooth being mostly filling and i had reabsorbed some if the root. My upper canine on left side is fully impacted and my lower canine came in behind my baby tooth. Due to the bad placement of lower canine I developed a bad crossbite on that side, as well as TMJ.

Currently I have had my braces for 4 months. At 2 months I had oral surgery to remove baby tooth and attach chain to my impacted canine. I also got my upper left impacted wisdom removed at same time.(I only grew 1 wisdom tooth)

The chain was attached to my wire 8 weeks ago and did become slack so my tooth is moving! I have 2 coils in for both my canines. I also have a wire on roof of my mouth connected to bands around my back molars. The wire is supposed to keep my width at back due to my bad crossbite.

So far so good except I have knocked off probably 8 brackets, broke a bracket, knocked off my turbos 3 times and snapped my bottom wire. I'm a sleep clencher. Haha
So don't feel bad if you knock something off.

Anyways, hopefully my treatment goes as planned and i stop breaking my Braces!

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