Teeth pushed too far back

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#31 Post by Ladnib »

I met with him today. He was defensive from the get-go and refused to even admit that there was a backward slant. @assertives: I should have read your post before going to him, but I doubt it would have helped. He kept showing my before pictures and told me that he has done a good job in removing my over-jet. He was very dismissive of my concerns. I told him that all I want is for my teeth to fall straight and not tilt backward. He said that if I want he can "flare up" my teeth again. I tried to tell him that yes, braces have helped me but I really dislike the backward tilt. But he took it personally and said that he can put the braces back on and move it out till I tell him to stop. I am very nervous about going back. I do not understand why is he taking it so personally. I was neither assigning blame nor trying to be unreasonable. I have two options: 1)stay with a tilt that really bothers me or 2)go back in the braces and trust him to help fix a problem that he refuses to acknowledge. Neither options sound comforting.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#32 Post by almost40 »

I would put the braces back on, since he says he can flare them out, and when it’s to your satisfaction tell him to stop. Better than being unhappy with your teeth now or spending more money to see someone else.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#33 Post by assertives »

I second the suggestion to put the braces back on and get him to flare out the teeth a little. He is offering you a reasonable option to correct what you currently dislike about your teeth.

Also, perhaps you could try looking at it from a different perspective: you are not getting him to "fix a problem" that he refuses to acknowledge. You are just going back to him because he was your care provider to flare out your teeth. Just look at it as getting your top arch flared out and leave it at that.

It might also be helpful to have another chat with him before you decide to get additional treatment, to align expectations and during which, try to make it amply clear to him that you are not blaming him for a job poorly done, but rather you wanted some things a certain way, just a matter of personal preference. So, avoid saying things like "you retracted my teeth too far in, or you did xxx yyy zzz and now my smile/face looks like xxxx, or my family and friends all agree I look better before." He will have the tendency to jump to his own defense at statements like that because it sounds like a direct attack on his work.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#34 Post by pcspinheiro »

I also second the suggestion to get your objectives to line up, something that my ortho never cared about; it was her way and I was just there to supply the teeth. Nothing I ever said regarding objectives and things I didn't want to do ever mattered to her. She even lied to me on several occasions to get me to do things her way (including extraction of teeth and I hate her for that). This to tell you to talk to him, convey your personal dislike for the final result but have things made your way. It would, of course, be a shame to end up with teeth you dislike. I myself got all my upper front teeth leveled to the same height, which looks weird since they are of very different lengths, and now the gum line is like a rollercoaster. There was no functional reason for her to do this, and aesthetically it was a major wrongdoing when I made it clear I was happy with my teeth and was not there to improve aesthetics. I told her this one year ago, as soon as my teeth got straight, and she was also very defensive at first, sometimes clearly mad, but I just didn't really care about her opinion on this matter and kept insisting; it's my teeth and she has to accept that I just didn't like what she did (which BTW, she didn't even say she would do). She still hasn't done anything about it, so since things weren't going the easy way I just told her there was no way in hell I would keep my teeth like this, that she had to set things back again as I would not accept this new and clearly worsened smile. So, in the end, she said it will be done later when finishing up. All this to tell you that you should have it your way, it's your teeth and your smile and I understand fully that it WILL keep bothering you if you don't like it, trust me! (I started by disliking the changes but this evolved into hating them so much that I avoid looking at my teeth in the mirror...) So just take up his offer to change it until you are happy again and don't fuss if he is not happy about it. You're the one living with that smile every day of your life.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#35 Post by Ladnib »

Thank you for the suggestions. I have decided to take 2 weeks off and will make a decision after meeting with him at the end of these 2 weeks.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#36 Post by Ladnib »

I am going back to him this week to get back in braces. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#37 Post by Ladnib »

pcspinheiro wrote: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:52 am I also second the suggestion to get your objectives to line up, something that my ortho never cared about; it was her way and I was just there to supply the teeth. Nothing I ever said regarding objectives and things I didn't want to do ever mattered to her. She even lied to me on several occasions to get me to do things her way (including extraction of teeth and I hate her for that). This to tell you to talk to him, convey your personal dislike for the final result but have things made your way. It would, of course, be a shame to end up with teeth you dislike. I myself got all my upper front teeth leveled to the same height, which looks weird since they are of very different lengths, and now the gum line is like a rollercoaster. There was no functional reason for her to do this, and aesthetically it was a major wrongdoing when I made it clear I was happy with my teeth and was not there to improve aesthetics. I told her this one year ago, as soon as my teeth got straight, and she was also very defensive at first, sometimes clearly mad, but I just didn't really care about her opinion on this matter and kept insisting; it's my teeth and she has to accept that I just didn't like what she did (which BTW, she didn't even say she would do). She still hasn't done anything about it, so since things weren't going the easy way I just told her there was no way in hell I would keep my teeth like this, that she had to set things back again as I would not accept this new and clearly worsened smile. So, in the end, she said it will be done later when finishing up. All this to tell you that you should have it your way, it's your teeth and your smile and I understand fully that it WILL keep bothering you if you don't like it, trust me! (I started by disliking the changes but this evolved into hating them so much that I avoid looking at my teeth in the mirror...) So just take up his offer to change it until you are happy again and don't fuss if he is not happy about it. You're the one living with that smile every day of your life.
Your ortho sounds like mine. I am very sorry that you had to go through this and i sincerely hope that things work out your way. I wish I had enough money to change my care provider, but I dont. I will just have to put my foot down and be very vigilant rather than hand over the steering wheel to him like I did the first time.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#38 Post by vividi »

[quote=pcspinheiro post_id=501639 time=1524131575 user_id=29127]
it's my teeth and she has to accept that I just didn't like what she did (which BTW, she didn't even say she would do)

That's pretty much what my ortho did at what was supposed to be the end of my treatment. I asked if he could slightly push in a central incisor that was protruding a bit, I was also disappointed that my smile looked narrower than I thought it would. He mumbled something like "let me remove the front four brackets, it will be easier to see". I said ok, thinking he'd remove them and then discuss with me what could be done. Instead he rearranged the brackets and proudly announced that next time he'll be shaving off the edge of my lateral incisor because he "never liked how it looks". As my teeth moved the next couple of days I realised that he was pulling my lateral incisors down to the same length as my central ones, while the central incisors were being tilted at an angle. I am still to this day shocked that anyone would think it's ok to do this, especially when I had asked him more than once that things are explained to me in advance.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#39 Post by yogurtyoga »

my teeth is push too far out and my profile is looking worse.

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Re: Teeth pushed too far back

#40 Post by bimax101 »

Hello Guys,

For all of you that feel you teeth have been pulled too far back in, I'm wondering whether other then the aesthetics, you have found there to be any other side effects.

Has it effected your speech, tongue space or breathing?

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