upper incisors not in bone

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upper incisors not in bone

#1 Post by nowiseethemoon »

Hello all,
My orthodontist told me my two front upper incisors are not in my bone--they are only in the gums because they are angled so much inward. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue and how long it took for their teeth to move into a more normal position? My upper incisors have not budged at all, and I've been braced for one month. Coincidentally or not, I have bite turbos on the back of these two front teeth because I have a deep bite. I do wonder if somehow the bite turbos are either positively or negatively affecting the movement of these two teeth--I feel a fair amount of pressure on them each morning after clenching at night. My next ortho appointment is not for another 6 weeks, so I can't ask her for a while. Wondering if anyone else has any experiences or insights to share.

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Re: upper incisors not in bone

#2 Post by Bracingmyself901 »

I think you might be confused. The tooth needs to be in the bone in order to "live":

Take a SPAM at this diagram of normal tooth anatomy: http://www.levydentalservices.com/wp-co ... natomy.jpg

A tooth needs to be in the bone so that it may receive blood supply and innervation from nerves.

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Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:09 am

Re: upper incisors not in bone

#3 Post by nowiseethemoon »

Thank you for taking the time to respond! Well that would explain why I can't find anything online. It could be that I misunderstood "intrude into bone" as meaning that the roots were not in bone in the first place, when in fact she meant put further into bone. However, I do recall my conversation with my ortho during which I pointed to where the tops of my roots would be and said I could feel them through the gums (and I do feel something there that feels like what a root would feel like). I thought she confirmed my observation...

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