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How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:15 pm
by paulwall
I'm in my first month with traditional metal braces and impressed with the progress so far. How long did it take you to notice results?

Please comment with:
1. Your treatment estimate
2. Type of braces
3. When you first noticed results and how long before your teeth straightened out completely

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:41 pm
by Tyrantblade
1. $6000 cost, time estimate is 24 months and I'm almost done (might be done in August; which is around the 24 months original estimate)

2. Metal Damon Braces (Self Ligating)

3. Less than a week to notice things were different, probably 2 months to notice things were getting quite a bit better; within 6 months my bottom teeth seemed completely straight and only needed tweaking after that.

My top teeth only got to almost perfect probably 3 or 4 months ago (just waiting on 2 teeth now and then I'll be done soon afterwards)

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:42 am
by Vicki04
All the best with the upcoming months in braces :)

1. My treatment time is 18 Months (more or less depending on how they move)
2. Traditional metal
3. Within the first week I could see and feel the movement. Compared to how horrid they looked in the beginning they're pretty straight now and its still early days! Some gaps left to close and the bite to fix :jump:

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:59 pm
by Mpkh
1. Two years
2. Self ligating ceramic on the social six, and self ligating metal for the rest
3. I first started noticing movements about two weeks teeth are still in the process of being straightened!

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:44 pm
by FlowerPower
1. 2 years
2. Ceramic brackets
3. About 2 weeks in, but after a few months it slowed down. I now have extractions and go back in later this month so hopefully the real changes will start to happen

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:51 am
by pcspinheiro
Estimated 24 months, saw changes in just a few days but things have stopped a lot now... I have the feeling I'm being stalled on purpose because my teeth were going to where they should be faster that my ortho anticipated, and the last 3 appointments she's done nothing more that change the ligatures, even though I told her my teeth were not moving since forever and were not doing so without a thicker wire... She is also taking forever to start closing an extraction gap, even though initially it was oh so urgent that I extract the other to start closing... same thing with molar tubes; oh so urgent to get that last wisdom tooth out to put in molar tubes - 2 months later still nothing. Next appointment in 1 week I'm going to be making some treatment requests, one of them is to move things along instead of just waiting for who knows what...

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:53 pm
by seira

I've been lurking on this site, and finally decided to join yesterday. It feels good to know that I'm not the only adult with braces :)

I needed braces when I was younger, but I ignored it because I didn't want to get braces. When I smiled my top teeth were straight. So, I wasn't too worried. Fast forward to the age of thirty five. Problems; Two cracked teeth, because of grinding and deep pulp tissue. I got recommended to get braces to close the gaps. I wanted Invisialign, but I wasn't a candidate.

Convex profile
Buccal Crossbite
Severe crowding of bottom teeth
Severe crowding of back teeth.

I had Damon Q Insignia (self ligating) braces installed two weeks ago, for a total cost of $8800.00. My orthodontist said each bracket was custom made for each tooth, thus speeding up the process (I'm yet to be convinced that it's worth the extra money compared to non custom Damon Q brackets). I have six ceramic brackets on my top front teeth, and the rest are metal.

The first two weeks were the most grueling. I had two teeth pulled out, and my first full arch wire put on the same day. Every day I had bad headaches, ulcers, and extraction point pain. I wanted to rip the braces off with pliers.

I took a photo on the first day of installation, and have compared it to now. I can see my teeth straightening out already. The wires are starting to straighten, and my teeth are starting to line up. In all honesty I didn't think there was any movement until I compared the photos. Now that I see improvement in the first two weeks. I want to chug through the rest of the next eighteen to twenty four months.

I am a new member and I can't post photos yet. When I can I will :)

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:48 pm
by Momto5boys
1. Two years
2. Traditional metal top and bottom
3. Although I'm only 1 wk in, I've already noticed a change in the way my teeth are positioned.

Re: How long before you noticed results?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:48 am
by Evostevo
1st Post!!!

1. 24 months
2. Metal on top/metal to go on bottom teeth in 4 months
3. I've only been in them for a week but I already noticed things moving a little bit.

I will also have to wear an anterior bite plane to help out with my deep bite.