Bad cut from sharp wire end

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Bad cut from sharp wire end

#1 Post by Tyrantblade »

What should I do?

I know I need to get it clipped (and I will tomorrow), but anything I should use to handle the pain better or heal quick?

I would have used wax, but it's always so hard to apply and then it keeps falling off and then I need to reapply it.

I've tried Ora Gel today with some success, but eventually it wears off, not to mention mixes into my water and saliva, so not exactly an awesome option, but it helps a bit anyways.
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

Braces removed since 11/06/17


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Re: Bad cut from sharp wire end

#2 Post by Aaeolien »

Slap some wax on the end of the wire as best you can and orajel isn't a bad idea. swish with some salt water too that'll probably help

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Re: Bad cut from sharp wire end

#3 Post by FlyByNight »

When I got my rectangular wire, the back of my mouth looked like it went through a grinder. The nights it really hurt, I would stick a huge piece of wax or even a wad of tissue

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Re: Bad cut from sharp wire end

#4 Post by JanineJanine »

I've never had much success with wax, it just gets warm and slides off.

When I have pokey wires I cut a piece of cotton wool pad (the kind I usually use to remove make-up etc.) and place it between the brackets and my gums. It stays in place over night and gives my gums a bit of relief and healing time.

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Re: Bad cut from sharp wire end

#5 Post by Catpotat »

I used a folded up bit of cling wrap because it doesn't absorb water like tissue or cotton wool


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