Mouth Guard with Braces?

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Mouth Guard with Braces?

#1 Post by Heidirs »

I was wondering if people have used mouth guards with their braces to protect from grinding? Did you buy the mouth guard over the counter or did your ortho provide it? Did it cost you anything? What brand? etc.

I spoke to my ortho about grinding my teeth, and he seemed to think I wouldn't grind with the braces on. But from what I've been reading of personal stories, it sounds like I likely will. I got spacers put in, and I think I'm still grinding. I can't use my usual mouth guard as it's fitted to my teeth and even with the spacers it won't fit anymore.

Are there mouth guard options that don't specifically form to your teeth? I would think wearing a night guard specifically fitted to your teeth would stop teeth movement. And you'd have to get multiple guards throughout treatment as your teeth are changing. I'm just wondering what's been the case with other people.

The specific mouth guard I've been using for years that's made of quality material (because I was grinding through the soft ones) and fits specifically to my teeth cost $500. I'm concerned about what buying multiple guards during braces will cost.

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Re: Mouth Guard with Braces?

#2 Post by bbsadmin »

Take a look at this product. It's not terribly expensive and it is made for braces:

It's NOT made specifically for grinding/bruxism, but it might help.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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Re: Mouth Guard with Braces?

#3 Post by Ziggy »

I've been wearing a mouth-guard for years, but when I got braces my ortho said to forget it. Your teeth will move around so much that any kind of a "molded" or custom guard won't fit. I'm assuming, and we all know what that means, that when my braces come off I'll have a molded retainer that will acts as a mouthguard.

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