Little help please *

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Re: Little help please *

#31 Post by shortcircuit »

Good to hear things are moving along, keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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Re: Little help please *

#32 Post by finalexplosion »

djspeece wrote:Great progress, and congratulations on your perseverance! You are going to do great.
shortcircuit wrote:Good to hear things are moving along, keep up the good work :thumbsup:
djspeece wrote:Great progress, and congratulations on your perseverance! You are going to do great.
Thanks guys.

So, not such good news. I am having some problems. I experienced some pretty severe TMJ/TMD problems most recently. Since it is almost NYE, I cannot for the life of me get to see a specialist or a dentist until sometime next week. I could barely sleep the other night. My mouth and gums were bugging me. I felt strangeness in my face ever since I had a filling done. I cannot chew on that side anymore. It is terrible uneven. I never had this experience.

Both sides of my face hurt. One side is predominant and it feels swollen. I have a terrible migraine. My neck and chin hurt. This is the worst I have had with dental ever and I have not even begun. It really sucks. I promise to share my journey with you. I am unsure of what to do at this point. I am stuck waiting until next week so, it will be a sesame NYE. I was wanting to go out but, I feel like garbage and going to work sucks. I have sleep apnea even though I am not fat. I am not suppose to sleep on my stomach but, with TMJ, you aren't suppose to sleep on your stomach or side. The night is the worst.

I am wondering if the filling is raised which caused this weirdness? TMJ is a weird pain. Like I can feel it in my face, my jaw cracks, I feel tenderness around the point of my chin on the side. I feel like a ringing in my ear. I tried watching these videos: and I did the exercise. I just feel discomfort. It really really sucks.

Will braces fix TMJ? Can fillings cause TMJ? Should I proceed first with braces or look at physiotherapy for TMJ?

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Re: Little help please *

#33 Post by shortcircuit »

I don't think fillings cause TMJ, however I suspect that being forced to hold your mouth wide open for a while to have work done may aggravate any issues that you already have. If the filling is too high, even by just a little tiny bit, this can cause the tooth to continue hurting as well.

I've had 5 fillings done over the past few months and the pains and sensitivity have varied like you wouldn't believe, these last three on top have been not only extremely cold sensitive but significantly sensitive to pressure as well. It's gradually decreasing day by day though.

As far as whether you should deal with the TMJ first, that would be a question for your ortho because they have the training and access to all your records.

Hang in there, just try to take things a day at a time.

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Re: Little help please *

#34 Post by finalexplosion »

shortcircuit wrote:I don't think fillings cause TMJ, however I suspect that being forced to hold your mouth wide open for a while to have work done may aggravate any issues that you already have. If the filling is too high, even by just a little tiny bit, this can cause the tooth to continue hurting as well.

I've had 5 fillings done over the past few months and the pains and sensitivity have varied like you wouldn't believe, these last three on top have been not only extremely cold sensitive but significantly sensitive to pressure as well. It's gradually decreasing day by day though.

As far as whether you should deal with the TMJ first, that would be a question for your ortho because they have the training and access to all your records.

Hang in there, just try to take things a day at a time.
Yah. I will see them next week. I saw a medical doctor who just gave me some antibiotics for ten days and suspected a potential sickness or bacterial infection.

The plan was to do braces beginning with xrays and molds. I am hoping I can begin that in the new year immediately before he gets asking for a retaining fee. If he requests it before that, this process will take awhile. I hear TMJ/TMD can be fixed with braces or worse, surgery but, I also have retracting gums around the incisors. It feels uncomfortable there. My gums feel bad there too and on the same side the filling was done. My bite is off due to crowding and crooked braces. Its about 6k. This is not including white ceramic braces. I do not want the basic ugly braces. Also, it will be pricey getting teeth pulled.

Not sure what I could do for my jaw.

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Re: Little help please *

#35 Post by finalexplosion »

I am getting over a winter cold. I took a antibiotic and it made my tongue go funny colors. I think its called geographic tongue. It was alarming because of how serious cancer is. So, I just got over that cold but, I missed my appointment and I had to reschedule. It looks like, I need to either wait for a cancellation or next month appointment. I want to start this process ASAP despite it being a expensive venture.

Did any of you guys ever whiten your teeth before hand? I bought crest 3d white strips but, my teeth are crooked so, it wont work that well. Furthermore, I heard it is terrible for the enamel of the actual teeth. Due to acid reflux, my teeth are stained yellow :( and the girl hygienist told me they are clean. Its the acid reflux that causes erosion. Why didn't anybody every warn me of this before? My fear is paying all this money, going through this journey and my teeth are damaged or gums are too.

I got quoted that my next fee is $300.00 just to put together my paper work and folder. Then, I need to pay for the actual molds. Then, he will decide what teeth if any will need to come out. I want to get ceramic white or off white colored braces. I am told its going to be about $200 likely plus tax per month for this. My car is in terrible shape too so, its just all adding up. It was expensive pulling wisdom teeth so, this venture is going to suck.

Do you guys suggest I pay for professional whitening during my process before i start? I likely will need to again after braces but, I cannot use strips during this braces period. I am not happy with my teeth at the moment. Thanks guys. I will continue to share my journey. A bit too self conscious to post any sort of pics.

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Re: Little help please *

#36 Post by shortcircuit »

I would leave the professional whitening for after you're done with braces, especially since funds are tight now. Keep in mind that the toilet bowl white teeth that you often see in magazines and on TV isn't natural, since tooth enamel is translucent and the underlying dentin is a varying shade of yellow/beige/gray.

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Re: Little help please *

#37 Post by finalexplosion »

shortcircuit wrote:I would leave the professional whitening for after you're done with braces, especially since funds are tight now. Keep in mind that the toilet bowl white teeth that you often see in magazines and on TV isn't natural, since tooth enamel is translucent and the underlying dentin is a varying shade of yellow/beige/gray.
Thanks. I got crest white strips but, I hear its bad for tooth enamel. It fits terrible since my teeth are not straight yet. I am using tooth paste that suppose to help build enamel and is nutritional for it.

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Re: Little help please *

#38 Post by finalexplosion »

Alright. So, I apologize for my late responses. Today, I saw my orthodontist. Here is a little update.

I got there. They asked at reception if I had any dental coverage. I did not. It was over $300.00 which was unexpected. Combined, I am out about $2000 since Xmas with the mouth/night guard, filling, wisdom tooth removal, and cavity prevention (area is pitted because I grind plus acid reflux so, they fixed it before the area would turn into a cavity). So, I get called into the room. I realize immediately why the price is cheaper. The work is great but, they do a open concept which is awkward. Other people are awkwardly sitting in the chair. They took pics of my teeth currently, did Xrays, and asked me to jump into a chair. Most of the people were young, in high school, and some were either near the end of their sessions or finishing. I felt embarrassed. I was white knuckling it in the chair as I sat down. I could feel lot of anxiety and I was low talking which I do during the onset of a panic attack. They stuck this putty stuff in my mouth with a mouth tray for my upper and lower teeth. They then had molds.

The next step, I see my orthodontist, he tells me the plan, gives me a full on quote, requests a retainer fee which I think is $1000. Ugh it is hurting since, I just got through xmas, and had other unexpected dental problems. I also found out that, the filling had not set right or was off by 1mm which was leading to tmj problems. I already have issues to do a over bite, compact, and crowding especially on my lower teeth.

My appointment is in a week or so. I will get more info. I am hoping he will let me get my teeth pulled for before requesting the retainer. I suspect it is about $5500-6000. This is basic braces but, I sort of want ceramic braces. I wanted to go on a vacation but, after all my fears of my teeth, of losing front teeth or gum issues, I want to do this. I am just not working nearly as much as I would like.

Anyway, any helpful advice or tips is appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: Little help please *

#39 Post by finalexplosion »

So, between my work schedule, funds, and the fact that a consultation is going to cost more money, not much progress has happened. I apologize for the lack of updates as I got locked out here.

So, I called for an appointment. I await to hear how soon. The news is, they want two appearances; 1 to remove two teeth and then, another visit to pull teeth. I am fearful it will be expensive. Furthermore, my orthodontist says, the cost will be $5900 assuming no broken pieces or anything. I have a cleaning scheduled in May but, I may bump it up. I noticed teeth discolored. I freaked out and brushed my teeth with my oral B electric tooth brush. Noticed it bled. I am cutting back off from coffee and teas. My teeth are something that causes me to freakout. I know I cannot keep them forever so, spending tons of money seems futile.

The consult last costed me about $65. The teeth being pulled maybe costing me $2000.00 which means, its going to be a bit before I have this done. I am paying off my student loan so, racking up more debt when I already need a newer car (on last legs), I will really think this through. The problem is, the longer I wait, the more damage my gums/TMJ/teeth have. I cannot brush as well. How I wish my parents did this as I was a kid.

Any tips is appreciated for the TMJ and grinding. I am taking magnesium tonight before bed. When I wear braces, I cannot use my night guard which sucks. A buddy I know much older got dentures at middle age because he grinds too hard. It sucks. I am single. I don't want to wear braces but I have to handle this finally.

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Re: Little help please *

#40 Post by Jorge »

Hey I just wanted to let you know that I like reading your updates and keeping up with how you're doing, and I probably missed this part but how old are you? And I'm so sorry about how expensive braces are, that sounds awful. Here I was complaining about having to pay for oral surgery anesthesia a couple of times that insurance didn't cover while not realizing that most people have to spent 5-10k just for their full braces treatment.

PS, there's also a different forum for updates and personal experiences but I don't think people mind these updates here either

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Re: Little help please *

#41 Post by Heidirs »

Hi, just came by reading your story.

You can get a "bite guard" that is nonmolded to help with your grinding. They have flaps that fit between your teeth, and they're pretty cheap. I would recommend giving them a try. I'm currently using a more expensive brand that is adjustable for my grinding. ... 007RJ0E1M/

I didn't notice if you said you were on medication for the acid reflux. It should only damage your teeth if the acid is coming back up your throat, in which case it would be damaging your esophagus too. I would recommend making a doctor's appointment to see if you can get that under control for your overall health. I'm on too meds for my acid reflux. If you're strapped for cash, there's over-the-counter meds you can try, and look for coupons.

I don't recommend whitening. Most over-the-counter whitening products contain bleach, which is not good for your enamel. If you have sensitive teeth like I do, whitening them will only make it worse.

You seem very concerned about how your teeth look, and you've stated you're tight on cash. If there's a significant cost different between the normal metal braces and clear braces, I'd go with the cheaper option. I know it's hard to believe, but no one will care what your teeth look like. We're all very self-conscious beings and think everyone notices, but in reality no one does. Don't scare yourself into spending more money than you need to.

Reading your posts, you seem super stressed. Given your circumstances, I'd be stressed too, but you seem to be even more than that. You've mentioned you have anxiety, and I'd recommending trying to find some way to destress. Do you have friends to talk to who can reassure you? Or activities you find relaxing? There's an old saying that worry makes you suffer twice. Work on taking care of yourself first and foremost. I'd recommend getting other medical issues out of the way before you go for braces (acid reflux, receding gums, infection, etc)

I hope that's helpful

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Re: Little help please *

#42 Post by finalexplosion »

Jorge wrote:Hey I just wanted to let you know that I like reading your updates and keeping up with how you're doing, and I probably missed this part but how old are you? And I'm so sorry about how expensive braces are, that sounds awful. Here I was complaining about having to pay for oral surgery anesthesia a couple of times that insurance didn't cover while not realizing that most people have to spent 5-10k just for their full braces treatment.

PS, there's also a different forum for updates and personal experiences but I don't think people mind these updates here either
I will be 30 in a few years. I am still single so, I am bit self conscious thinking about my teeth, my mouth or wearing braces. I keep thinking about how I will pronounce words with braces. Yeah, I am looking at about 6k fir braces. I am not seeing a oral surgeon for teeth extraction otherwise, that would be another 2k. I have had the same job for years and I still have no benefits. It sucks. I would like to go self employed but, it is tricky.

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Re: Little help please *

#43 Post by finalexplosion »

Heidirs wrote:Hi, just came by reading your story.

You can get a "bite guard" that is nonmolded to help with your grinding. They have flaps that fit between your teeth, and they're pretty cheap. I would recommend giving them a try. I'm currently using a more expensive brand that is adjustable for my grinding. ... 007RJ0E1M/

I didn't notice if you said you were on medication for the acid reflux. It should only damage your teeth if the acid is coming back up your throat, in which case it would be damaging your esophagus too. I would recommend making a doctor's appointment to see if you can get that under control for your overall health. I'm on too meds for my acid reflux. If you're strapped for cash, there's over-the-counter meds you can try, and look for coupons.

I don't recommend whitening. Most over-the-counter whitening products contain bleach, which is not good for your enamel. If you have sensitive teeth like I do, whitening them will only make it worse.

You seem very concerned about how your teeth look, and you've stated you're tight on cash. If there's a significant cost different between the normal metal braces and clear braces, I'd go with the cheaper option. I know it's hard to believe, but no one will care what your teeth look like. We're all very self-conscious beings and think everyone notices, but in reality no one does. Don't scare yourself into spending more money than you need to.

Reading your posts, you seem super stressed. Given your circumstances, I'd be stressed too, but you seem to be even more than that. You've mentioned you have anxiety, and I'd recommending trying to find some way to destress. Do you have friends to talk to who can reassure you? Or activities you find relaxing? There's an old saying that worry makes you suffer twice. Work on taking care of yourself first and foremost. I'd recommend getting other medical issues out of the way before you go for braces (acid reflux, receding gums, infection, etc)

I hope that's helpful
So, I have a basic rubber night guard. I am shredding it. It costed about $170,00 but, I am told it was better then the more pricier one. People just spit it out.

My routine is a sleep tea/herbal tea before bed + a mini scoop of magnesium to help avoid the grinding.

Acid reflux sucks. As a kid, I binge drinked, and partied a lot. I started seeing a stomach doctor. With a change in diet, avoid alcohol, and drugs, it stopped happening. As I got older, I got pretty healthy, and in shape. Acid reflux started up again. I went for a run the other day and it was came up. I rinsed as I was running and spat after I girgled water. I use mouth wash too sometimes.

I started daily habits and routines. I meditate day and night. First when I wake up. Then, before I got to sleep. I also write down things I want to accomplish at the start, affirmations, and things I am grateful. I end off on 3 wins of the day and 3 things I could do to improve. I know being grateful is making life better. Still, it is challenging because despite all the things I do to be healthy, I am suffering with reflux and anxiety. People treat their teeth bad with sugar and donuts, pops or juice yet, my teeth are damaged from reflux. Its really upsetting. Also, being single, I find it hard because its easy to get stuck in my head or insecure about being single and worrying about my teeth. Meditation has helped.

Yeah, I was worried about TMJ then, I had a cavity filled. It was not level so, it caused the TMJ problems. A buddy I know who is older had dentures/crowns done because he is a grinder with terrible TMJ. Its scary.

I am not married (single). No kids. No matter what happens, I promise, if I have kids, I guarantee will get their braces down.

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Re: Little help please *

#44 Post by finalexplosion »

So, little update:

I saw my dentist for a consult. So, the place that took my Xray for Ortho/braces wasn't up to par. The dentist had another Xray taken. He did not charge me for it :D so that saved me money. It cost money for the consult though. its all adding up.

So, with a oral surgeon, I need four teeth out. That's 2k. With my braces, that's 6k. If anything is broken at any point, the cost goes up, and I need cleanings done twice a year minimum. Its $100 per cleaning. God forbid any cavities. Sadly, I notice my teeth could use a whitening before I do braces. I even see color spots on some front tooth where I have crowding. I am fearful and worried about front teeth cavities.

Anyway, the dentist said he can do the extractions for about $150.00 ea. $600.00 > 2k. So, I need the teeth pulled furthest from my incisors on top and bottom. What my dentist said was that, the teeth at the top are easier to pull out then the bottom. He will start pulling the top which will run me $300. The plan is to book an appointment at the end of the day very soon. If the top did not give the dentist a problem, he will do the bottom but, he told me the bottom look slightly arched/slanted due to the crowding. This could be a problem. I prefer not to have to make multiple trips or worse, have to comeback and see a oral surgeon. I know my dentist is correct as, I did extractions for wisdom. The top was smooth and fine. The bottom hurt like a complain.

Finally, I await my schedule to come up. Once it is up, I will book my and schedule this extraction. My ortho wants it pulled and the week of to start my braces. Its a waiting game. Very annoying. I am waiting for my work schedule to come up. I am waiting to book. Then, I am waiting to do braces. The fee for the startup fee for braces is $1100. Payment is about $200 per month. Its going to run my like 2k just to get started. Also, my night guard will be useless at that point however, my ortho said he will get me a cheap thing to wear for $10.

I appreciate the followup. Sorry guys for not posting this where it belongs but, I thought it be easier to stick to this log.

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Re: Little help please *

#45 Post by Heidirs »

finalexplosion wrote: So, I have a basic rubber night guard. I am shredding it. It costed about $170,00 but, I am told it was better then the more pricier one. People just spit it out.
I have a very hard resin molded night guard. It literally sticks in your teeth because the mold is so tight. No worries on spitting that sucker out. But it cost $500 lab fee. My dentist waved the copay for me so I didn't have to pay more. Problem with it, though is once you get braces, the mold will no longer fit to your teeth. Which is why I have switched to the bit guard I linked earlier. I was shredding rubber guards to.
finalexplosion wrote: Acid reflux sucks. As a kid, I binge drinked, and partied a lot. I started seeing a stomach doctor. With a change in diet, avoid alcohol, and drugs, it stopped happening. As I got older, I got pretty healthy, and in shape. Acid reflux started up again. I went for a run the other day and it was came up. I rinsed as I was running and spat after I girgled water. I use mouth wash too sometimes.

I started daily habits and routines. I meditate day and night. First when I wake up. Then, before I got to sleep. I also write down things I want to accomplish at the start, affirmations, and things I am grateful. I end off on 3 wins of the day and 3 things I could do to improve. I know being grateful is making life better. Still, it is challenging because despite all the things I do to be healthy, I am suffering with reflux and anxiety. People treat their teeth bad with sugar and donuts, pops or juice yet, my teeth are damaged from reflux. Its really upsetting. Also, being single, I find it hard because its easy to get stuck in my head or insecure about being single and worrying about my teeth. Meditation has helped.
You might want to try going low carb. A lot of people have found that reducing carb intake cures their acid reflux. It did for me for a while, then came back. But if you don't want to try medication, it's worth a shot. Of course, going low carb means a higher food cost since pasta and such are cheaper than veggies. I'd recommend frozen or canned over fresh cost wise. And avoid anything with sugar. I suspect your anxiety might aggravate it too. I've noticed my reflux acts up when I'm stressed.

I hope you feel better. Take care of yourself.

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