Upper incisor size difference

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Upper incisor size difference

#1 Post by metalgear »

Hi Guys,

One of my upper incisors is smaller in width than the other one. I can't tell for sure if the size difference will be noticable because it's tucked away so far back in my mouth due to crowding. My ortho did not mention it in my treatment plan and on my next appointment I plan on bringing it up. Any advice if you have dealt with this would be appreciated. I'm wondering if he will need to leave some space around the tooth for future cosmetic work.

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Re: Upper incisor size difference

#2 Post by ljms »

You're right to start the conversation with your ortho at your next appointment. No one likes surprises.

In my case, my top centrals are different widths, lengths, and shapes and my laterals are different different shapes and lengths. It looks like I was made out of spare parts.

During treatment, my ortho trimmed the larger central very slightly so it would fit. I'm talking a small fraction of a millimeter.

After treatment, my dentist trimmed a teeny, tiny bit more to make the shape more natural. He then applied some bonding to the shorter central to make them the same length. The centrals are still slightly different widths and completely different shapes but it's not noticeable on a casual glance.

I decided to leave the laterals as they are.

My advice to anyone with asymmetrical teeth is to wait at least six months after getting your braces off before doing anything cosmetic. Take some time to get used to your new look, let your teeth settle and let your gums find their new position.

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