Protruding mouth - fixed by braces?

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Protruding mouth - fixed by braces?

#1 Post by plife »

I am wondering if protruding mouth can be fixed by braces. My teeth aren't too crooked or misaligned, although not perfect. However, from the side, my mouth is protruding (I think they call it a convex profile?), but I am unsure if my gums & bone structure are protruding, or if the teeth are protruding (or both)? Can only the dental protrusion be solved? I am fairly against getting any type of jaw surgery as they seem extremely invasive.

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Re: Protruding mouth - fixed by braces?

#2 Post by 2XRound »

From your description I am not sure if it is the same thing, but I had a very pronounced trout pout :oops: that my braces exaggerated. I was very self conscious about it, but by the end of treatment it had gone away.

[size=150]Alexandra (Alex)[/size][/color]

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Re: Protruding mouth - fixed by braces?

#3 Post by Lovespain5 »

plife wrote:I am wondering if protruding mouth can be fixed by braces. My teeth aren't too crooked or misaligned, although not perfect. However, from the side, my mouth is protruding (I think they call it a convex profile?), but I am unsure if my gums & bone structure are protruding, or if the teeth are protruding (or both)? Can only the dental protrusion be solved? I am fairly against getting any type of jaw surgery as they seem extremely invasive.
Yes, that's my case. My protrusion had been resolved with braces only.
In your case, I can't answer you because I don't have photos or X-rays. For my part, only my teeth protruded but not my bone structure neither my gums.
I've always rejected surgery too.

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