Does anyone-

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Posts: 56
Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 3:35 pm

Does anyone-

#1 Post by autumnl »

Find that it's easier to put elastics IN than to take them OUT?? At least those with simple configurations. Mine run right along the wire and I find myself digging in my mouth far deeper and longer when I remove them :P As a side note- I have gaps opening up all over the place! All of my front teeth seem to be coming apart lol. Flossing time is so much easier.

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Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:27 am

Re: Does anyone-

#2 Post by lmk »

Oh yes, I remember having a configuration of elastics that was hard to get out. So I have a dental kit with the pick (hope that makes sense) and used the pointed end to kinda grab at the elastic to pop it out. I've used tweezer too, haha.

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Re: Does anyone-

#3 Post by Tyrantblade »

I cant say that ive evr had an elastics configuration like that yet, and im hoping i don't have too many elastics configurations to go (since I've had to use elastics since day one of having braces, and its been 11 months)
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

Braces removed since 11/06/17


Posts: 56
Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 3:35 pm

Re: Does anyone-

#4 Post by autumnl »

I'll be getting top/bottom ones later on in treatment. I just think to myself if anyone ever saw me trying to get these out, they would think "that lady has a serious problem" lol. I need to pick up a dental kit. I could be a dental supply salesman with all the stuff I have: toothbrush/mini toothpaste/floss/christmas tree things/elastics/picks. I just buy the packages and throw them in my purse. :roll: Never even thought to use those picks to get them out. I tend to skip right over the simple ways to do things and go straight to the impossible...

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