Adult braces and professional life

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Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:06 am

Re: Adult braces and professional life

#16 Post by WonkyIncisor »

Thanks for this post, Professor. I am going on my multiple interviews this week for the first time since having a metal mouth and I was really concerned. Mainly because my bite blockers are causing a slight lisp that I can not shake after 5 weeks. Oh, and I have purple ligaments, but I'll tone that down this Monday prior to my interviews starting on Tuesday.

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Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:03 pm

Re: Adult braces and professional life

#17 Post by TheProfessor »

I've had my braces off for 11 days now and none of my colleagues at work have noticed until I point it out to them (one of my students noticed and announced it to the class :oops: ) In my mind, this proves that braces are REALLY no big deal. People notice when you get braces and are usually too polite to say anything, then they get used to seeing you with them and never notice your teeth again!!!!
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom.
I had braces for 25 months!


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