Coronoplasty - tooth reshaping

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Coronoplasty - tooth reshaping

#1 Post by rachelb »

So, I've been browsing the forum for people with similar experiences, but the threads I found didn't really hit the nail on the head for me.
I'm not referring to just evening jagged or uneven teeth, but to completely reshaping a tooth in order to make it replace another tooth and its function.
My background: I have a transposition between the left upper first premolar and canine and at the end of my treatment I am supposed to have a coronoplasty done to the premolar so it can start doing some canine heavy lifting :)
I'm curious if anyone around here has gone through this procedure and how it went, both from and estetic and functional point of view.
Thanks! :-}

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Re: Coronoplasty - tooth reshaping

#2 Post by leelou905 »

Coronoplasty I have never heard of the technical term before. But I assume you're talking about shaping the tooth to look like another tooth? I've had my canines reshaped to look like lateral incisors if that counts?

It was pretty quick and straight forward and they did It before I had the braces put on too which means they already look like incisors somewhat.

I don't know many who've had reshaping done on here, they seem to be few and far between.
26 years - Needed braces since forever - very severely overcrowded teeth - now missing both my lateral incisors - laterlizing the canines - started braces treatment 22nd July 2015 - metal braces silver ligs - from UK Nottingham - Robin Hood lives here :)

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