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First Day in Braces

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:56 am
by adorkable8605
I've been thinking about correcting my overbite for a year or two now. I've always known about my overbite, but other than a few instances as kid, it never really bothered me. About three years ago, it just dawned on me how noticeable it is and how it actually looks. Recently, I did some consultations with several orthodontists in my area. I have a severe overjet and a mildly deep overbite and everyone says I would have to do surgery or extractions. I definitely do not want to have any extractions. I still haven't decided if orthognathic surgery is for me, but I decided to start braces and see where I end up.

I became a "metal mouth" yesterday (Oct 28, 2014). I got the clarity ceramic braces on my uppers and spaces put in for the bottom braces to be completed in two weeks. When I first looked in the mirror after they bonded the brackets, I freaked out just a little bit, but once I was done and back at work it was no big deal. Until it was time to eat dinner, I made these sandwiches that my boyfriend loves with cubed steaks, but it was the most impossible thing to eat. My bottom teeth were aching from the spacers and I couldn't really put a lot of pressure on the top teeth. I ended up picking my sandwich a part and eating it piece by piece. Then came the brushing and flossing. I was hoping that it wouldn't be so bad, but I was definitely wrong. It was basically torture and trying to clean every nook and cranny took at least 15 minutes. Definitely going to buy the Waterpic or Sonic Care AirFlosser (leaning towards waterpik because of price).

Enough complaining, I'm excited for this journey and can not wait to see the results.

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:03 am
by kathydell
It gets better. Trust us! Your new strategy for sandwiches is likely to be just eat the middle. I got to a point where I could eat them but I figured nobody on earth would ever want to eat with me if I ate a wrap and got all that bread stuck in the front of my braces. The discomfort gets better as you go too. After a couple of weeks, I only had discomfort on adjustment days. So, I would plan spaghetti or something for the night of my adjustment. The trick is to work through the pain as quickly as you can. After some practice, I got to where I could actually eat a pork chop or a piece of steak the day after an adjustment. Humans are very adaptable creatures. You will find ways that work for you. The brushing and flosssing and all that maintenance gets easier too. Get a Waterpik. I can't recommend it enough to make things easier and I got an A on hygiene at every visit to the ortho.

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:57 am
by adorkable8605
Thank goodness it gets better!

I'm also super surprised because barely anyone has noticed them. I had to point them out to my friend today (I was pretty sure he would have noticed right away).

I'm definitely buying the water

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:25 am
by NikGoss357
I just became a braceface on the 27th so a day before you and I feel your pain, literally! This is my second time in braces but the first time was 15 years ago in 5th grade. I am now 26. I got In-Ovation metal on top and bottom on all 20 teeth and my cheeks and lips are a mess. My teeth themselves really don't hurt to bad anymore but there is one bracket that is just tearing my cheek apart and one band on my molar that is sharp as ever. Wax has been my best friend this past week. I am already almost out of it! I have attempted to floss twice and it just didn't go well so I gave up after about 3 teeth. My teeth before braces were so crowded it was a pain to floss now I have wires to contend with. I am sure it will get better soon!! I can't wait to eat real food again!

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:40 pm
by InDueCourse
[quote="adorkable8605"]Thank goodness it gets better!

I'm also super surprised because barely anyone has noticed them. I had to point them out to my friend today (I was pretty sure he would have noticed right away).

It definitely does get better, or at least breaking up your food becomes second nature.

As for people noticing, only 1 person I haven't mentioned my braces to has commented in 7 weeks. It truly is bizarre, or maybe adults are just more tactful about them than kids.

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:35 am
by sirwired
I found threader floss to be about 50x better than the floss threaders your ortho gave you. I used glide threader floss.

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:30 pm
by adorkable8605
I've definitely used my fair share of wax... I am almost completely out of the stuff my ortho gave me. I went and bought some back up because the molar bands are ripping my check and tongue on the left side. Basically just the molar bands are bothering me now...

It's definitely better, but eating has been interesting. Guess I'm on the braces diet....

I also have the threader floss and didn't even bother with the threaders. Getting the back teeth with the threader is pretty hard though so I found some ortho picks by plackers, they fit under the arch wire. I still haven't gotten a water pik, but I'm definitely considering it, especially when I get my bottom brackets bonded in two weeks

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:17 pm
by Uptown Girl
Hi Adorkable8605, I tried the floss with a threader and my teeth are so tight I gave up. So I just use the portable water pik and toothpaste on a brush. I plan to buy some different floss with the harder ends and see how that goes. I think my teeth are getting a lot more attention than before (didn't floss much) and don't see how I could get floss around those back molars with bands on them. It's such a relief to use the water flosser after I eat so I carry it with me everywhere if I'm planning to put anything in my mouth.

I thought I had no more need of wax when suddenly this afternoon I noticed my lower gums were getting really sore from the braces so have whacked some more on.

Eating is a headache. Can you chew? My molars no longer meet so chewing is hard. Fish is good because it breaks up easily. I still have to blend a lot of things and can't eat salad. Slow cooked casseroles are good.

Best of luck with you braces. This forum is a great way to find out what's ahead of us and help each other along the way.

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:42 pm
by Ridingboots
Welcome to the world of braces, I have had mine for a whole 9 days and have not had to much bother except for the mouth ulcers so wax is the only way stop my mouth getting cut up.

As for teeth cleaning I took everyone's advice and got a waterpik and it makes life very easy compared to flossing, I was never a big flosser anyhow so think my teeth are cleaner then they have ever been :-

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:45 am
by sirwired
If you decide you like the WaterPik, I recommend the Pana sonic (had to type it funny to get around the Spam filter) portable if you want one to carry around. The motor unit slides into the tank, so the thing doesn't take up so much space as the WaterPik portables. It runs on ordinary AA's, and you can certainly use NiMH rechargable ones if you like.

Re: First Day in Braces

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:35 pm
by Nelly13
Hi! I'm a couple of weeks into my braces. I have a waterpik that hooks up to my shower. Makes using it so much easier so I don't have to worry about spraying the water around.
Just some things to share. Can't wait until all of us have our beautiful smiles!! :tingrin: